Although he is not a Miao nationality, he has lived in Miao for so many years. He has been used to this place for a long time and even regarded it as his own home. Now his home has been occupied by others. Of course, he can't sit back and ignore it.

Fortunately, in these years, he is not only supported by those talents in the Miao area, he has his own power in the Miao area, and those people are all loyal to themselves.

After the incident, he let those people all hide, without his order, no one is allowed to act recklessly.

When they go back this time, they can catch each other by surprise. He doesn't think that the other side will think of it. After they leave, they will go back. They will not only go back, but also fight back directly.

"Ya'er, it's time we left." White ink looked at Xiao Chengya and said earnestly.


As early as a few days ago, she had a discussion with Bai mo. after leaving, she went back directly and sent a letter to Yao'er.

Looking at the cave that has been living for nearly a month, Xiao Chengya still feels reluctant.

"Ya'er, let's go." See Xiao Chengya looking at this cave and don't know what she's thinking, white ink whispered in her ear.

Xiao Chengya smiled and nodded, and they left together.

After they arrived in the town, they heard some news, which made them very happy, especially Xiao Chengya.

Because Ning Mengyao and them are here, but they don't know where they are now. That is to say, they have already fought with that man.

White Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly he smiled: "it seems that Mengyao and others made that person feel the sense of crisis, but they were not here, so it would be much easier to do."

Xiao Chengya took a look at Bai Mo and wondered, "what's your bad idea?" Every time this person shows such a look, he must be calculating someone.

"Ya'er, don't think I'm so bad." Bai Mo refuses to admit that he is making a bad idea. He looks at Xiao Chengya and says it seriously.

Xiao Chengya takes a white look and believes that you have a ghost expression.

Being watched by Xiao Chengya, Bai Mo felt his nose and smiled: "well, I'll tell you, while he was being dragged by Mengyao, we can do it."

"You mean, you want your men to sneak in?"

"It's not a sneak attack. It's a just attack." White ink is very serious.

Xiao Chengya looks at Bai Mo in disgust. Every time he says these things, it's not good. She doesn't believe this guy.

See Xiao Chengya don't believe it, white ink also didn't say much, then she didn't know, now don't say is the same.

When he knew that fengxiao was not in the Imperial Palace, Bai Mo began to be busy. As for what he was busy with, Xiao Chengya was not very clear. Every time he wanted to ask, Bai Mo just told him there was no problem.

However, there is no problem with white ink, but it is a big problem.

Originally, he thought that after fengxiao left, they could simply kill the people inside. But after contacting the people inside, he found that things were not as simple as he thought.

Although Baimo has left, his subordinates are still in it, and they are all powerful people.

This result, let white ink in the heart is very not the taste, he calculated so long time, is it so calculated?

When Bai Mo hesitated whether to start or not, he did not appear in front of him.

"Don't waste your time here, it's not what you're going to do."

The appearance of the unsettled makes white ink secretly Alert: "who are you?"

"Not yet."

"The homeless?" Bai Mo looks at Bai Mo a little surprised. He still knows about the daughter who has not been home, but later he disappeared. He does not know why he appears here now, and he will say such words.

He nodded his head and looked at Bai Mo's face with a light melancholy look: "go to help Mengyao. If something in that place comes into being, it will disrupt the order everywhere."