Ningmengyao sighed, went to Qiao Tianchang's side, put his hand around his arm, regardless of the dirt on his body, and said: "Tianchang, I can understand your mind, but you also understand that only the two of us can drag that person."

The power of the combination of snow falling sword and Jun falling sword is not that they haven't tried. Qiao Tianchang also knows that this is the only chance, but when he sees ningmengyao's slightly raised stomach, he is very scared.

The sword has no eyes. One will be careless He didn't dare to think of such a picture at all.

Fortunately, Ning Mengyao didn't know what Qiao Tianchang was thinking. Otherwise, he had to be slapped twice. There was nothing wrong with it. The man began to think nonsense. What's the curse?

"Well, can we talk about it then?" Qiao Tianchang can't stand Ning Mengyao, he can only say vaguely.

Ning Mengyao stares at Qiao Tianchang. It's called Qi in her heart. What does this person mean? What does it mean to say then?

Don't be too obnoxious about this ambiguity.

When the whole family began to be busy, in a small valley in the back mountain, several old people sat together and there was a pot of tea on the table in front of them.

"Boss, don't we just look at it like this?" One of the youngest looking old men looked at the gray haired old man opposite and said.

"What are you worried about? The eldest brother has his own plan, and he can really let those outsiders give greedy things that we have been guarding for so many years? " The old man on the fifth side is helpless.

If the owner has not been found in this place, no matter who comes, as long as he has the ability, he can get the things here.

After all, Zuxun said that the competent people live in it. But now that we have found the master and are excellent, we can't let people watch here.

"That new owner, although good, is still a little lacking. This is just an opportunity."

"Third, why do you say that?" The old five stared.

"What else? Or are you as busy as you are? That wench and that boy are clear that there is still a card not to take out, how can they like people suffer losses. " It's impossible for a businessman or a businessman to think about how he can make a loss business.

The old five glared at them: "what should I do in case of an accident?" That's what worries him most.

"This only shows that the new master and uncle are terrible." Said the old man in a cold voice.

Seeing that everyone is not worried about his jumping here, the fifth brother can't help biting his teeth. It's nothing.

The noise of the four did not disturb the oldest old man on the edge.

When the four of them were noisy and about to fight, the boss finally turned around.

"Add up hundreds of years old people, but also for one thing quarrel do not listen to, lose not disgrace ah." The eldest brother helplessly looked at these four guys. At the beginning, he didn't see them like this. How come the older they are, the less they can adjust.

"Boss, what do you think we should do? Do you want to help or just watch? " Seeing that the eldest brother was willing to take care of them at last, the fifth brother quickly asked.

"It's a good chance to exercise. It's a good chance for both the clansmen and the two girls. As the third one said, if they can't even pass this level, it only means that our family's life should be like this." Said the eldest brother.

No one who can find this place is simple, no matter who it was more than 200 years ago or who it is today.

The old five saw that their eldest brother had said that. Although he kept muttering in his heart, he was not so powerful at all.

Although it is so, the fifth brother still looks at the eldest brother: "although it is said that, is it just the eldest brother that we should help at the right time? After all, they have no way to deal with the boy from outside. "

The eldest brother looked at the old five and said helplessly, "they have snow falling sword and Jun falling sword."