She used to be controlled by others, but now she wants to control herself when she is out of those people's control. Just like she used to be, she can only live under the control of others.

All of a sudden, Ning Mengyao felt that maybe Xiao chenya was not as good as when she first met him. Looking at Bai Mo, she suddenly didn't understand why Bai Mo was so good to Xiao chenya. For such a person, what's worth his efforts?

"Yao'er, I'm really just for you. Don't be angry, will you?" When Ning Mengyao endured it, Xiao never felt that she had made any mistake. She had come here like this. Although she was under house arrest by her father and brother, she had everything she should have. She drank a lot of soup every day. She also came here like that, but she didn't understand why she couldn't accept it when she came here.

Now Ning Mengyao looks at her with cold eyes, without the kind of intimacy when she first saw her. At this time, Xiao Chengya understands what Bai Mo said to her before.

As Bai Mo said, too much interference in her affairs will only make her feel disgusted. Now, don't you confirm Bai Mo's words?

Ning Mengyao reached out and rubbed his eyebrow: "I'll go to have a rest." Then he ignored all the people in the room, went back to his room and closed the door.

When Ning Mengyao left, Xiao Chengya frowned at Qiao Tianchang and said, "did you tell Yao er? What's your peace of mind, Joe? Why should we provoke our mother daughter relationship? "

Because of the fear of being heard by Ning Mengyao inside, Xiao's voice was lowered a lot.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the woman in front of him and suddenly smiles sarcastically. No wonder Yaoyao is so resistant to her now.

"I can't understand Baimo. How did you come here so many years ago, but Yaoyao you have been with her and know what kind of person she is, so I want to say that you should do your best." Qiao Tianchang doesn't want to pay attention to Xiao Chengya either. Talking to this woman will make him feel headache.

"Joe Tianchang, stop for me." Xiao did not expect that Qiao Tianchang ignored her like this.

Qiao Tianchang ignores Xiao Chengya. He is very tired and needs to rest. He doesn't want to waste his time here.

What else did Xiao want to say, she was dragged away by the white ink on the edge.

Headache of looking at Xiao orange ya, white ink a face of helplessness: "ya'er looks like I told you that you forget, Mengyao's attitude now you do not see, if you go on like this, she and you become passers-by is only a matter of time."

Xiao chenya frowned: "I don't understand. Why doesn't she understand my heart? I'm really just for her good. How to get to her place becomes that I want to control her."

"Mengyao has come to this point since she was a child. She has her own thoughts and ideas. You are her mother. As long as you continue to go too far, she won't do anything. But if you continue to do so, or you continue to find Qiao Tianchang's troubles and continue to make trouble with others, you can wait. Sooner or later, the girl will break all relations with you."

Bai Mo is not alarmist. What he said is the truth. Let's see what Xiao Chengya thinks.

Xiao Chengya is helpless: "I just can't stand him, my daughter is so excellent." Xiao Chengya complained discontentedly.

"It's not a problem you can't get used to. The problem is that he is Mengyao's husband and has a very important position in Mengyao's heart." Compared with Qiao Tianchang, in Ning Mengyao's heart, Xiao Chengya is afraid of nothing.

It's because she knows this that Xiao is not comfortable. She feels that it's not important for her daughter to have an outsider in her heart.

I don't know if it's because Xiao Chengya listened to Bai Mo's words. In the following days, although she still didn't give Qiao Tianchang a good look, she was much better than before.

For ningmengyao to deal with their own affairs, also no longer say anything, but that desire to speak and stop the appearance, said the people, she is still dissatisfied with ningmengyao.

The change of Xiao Chengya greatly relieved Ning Mengyao. If Xiao Chengya continues to make trouble, she really can only be sent away.