They thought that the girl was busy for them. The truth is that they often hurt people. But now they are completely injured. They are just sad and hurt their lungs and liver.

"Xiaoyao, you hurt our hearts too much." Yu Feng wants to cry and look at Ning Mengyao without tears. That expression is called a sadness.

Ningmengyao dry smile touched his nose: "although I like to make money, but I don't like busy."

The faces of the three Yufeng people turned black. Seeing the expression of Ning Mengyao, they were all gnashing their teeth. It's no wonder that after the girl had arranged all the things, she threw all the things to them. Then she became a shopkeeper and ran to Xiaoshan village to visit her happy day.

"All of a sudden, I want to hit people." The teeth are itchy after resisting the wind.

"I want to." Muchen nodded. At the beginning, they were busy turning like a top, but when the girl got better, she slipped away alone. At that time, they still thought, the girl was still young, and she was really busy for a long time, so they just let her go with one eye open and one eye closed. But now when they know the truth, they really feel that they are just too stupid to be sold I'm still there to help count the money.

Ningmengyao shrunk her neck and looked at them weakly: "what, I was only 12 years old at that time, and you were willing to abuse me?"

"If we can go back to that time, we will certainly give up." Yufeng and Muchen said in unison.

Ning Mengyao looked at situ Xuan wrongly: "Xuanxuan How can they do this to me? "

Situ Xuan calmly glanced at Ning Mengyao and said, "what should I do if I want to beat you, Yao'er?"

At that time, even she was busy. On the contrary, ningmengyao, the person in power, was not busy at all, not only not busy, but also very carefree, very leisurely.

Ning Mengyao retreats into Qiao Tianchang's arms and looks at them: "I'm pregnant, you can't bully me."

The three of Yu Feng's brows were blue and sinewy. Although they really wanted to do it, they could only bear the anger in their hearts when they saw ningmengyao's pitiful appearance. "Sooner or later, you will get well," they said angrily

Ning Mengyao was relieved greatly in her heart, and then she said with a flattering smile, "I know you are the best."

Yufeng and others looked at Ning Mengyao and snorted: "how are we? Where are we? We're not good at all. "

"Brother in law doesn't have such cold violence."

"Cold violence?" Three people look at ningmengyao at the same time. Ningmengyao quickly makes an expression that I am wrong and I have nothing to say.

Looking at ningmengyao like this, he couldn't help laughing. Who could have thought that the leader of tongbaozhai was a little boy in private.

After seeing Yu Feng and them, why did Ning Mengyao become like this? Why didn't these people connive?

"Now let me tell you something about fengxiao." With a slight cough, I watched several people quickly change the topic. The sudden change of topic made Ning Mengyao not only not angry, but also relieved greatly. If she goes on like this, she must break down. These people are too terrible.

Yufeng gives Ning Mengyao a look. They plan to let go of this girl who is looking for a smoke no matter what.

"Fengxiao has left the Miao imperial palace and gone to some place. I don't know for the time being, but I'm sure that he already knows about Mengyao and Song Li, and has some countermeasures." She looked at several people and said seriously.

"Ningmengyao eyebrows slightly wrinkled:" he really has put in the hands to come in

"You know?" WeiLuo looks at ningmengyao by accident.

Ning Mengyao nodded casually: "I don't know, I guess, but I don't know which one. I haven't found out yet."

Did not fall clear smile, according to their cleverness, how can not guess that there is already a spy here?

"So what are you going to do?" If you don't look at them and catch the spy, sooner or later something will go wrong.

"What to do? I really can't help it if he doesn't come out? "