Ningmengyao saw that Qiao Tianchang had said that, and could not refute Qiao Tianchang's words, but nodded helplessly: "well, I believe in Tianchang's vision, follow us."

Feng Xiao thought it would take a lot of effort to get what he wanted, or pay some price, but he didn't expect that they would believe it, especially Qiao Tianchang, who believed himself so simply.

This kind of trust makes fengxiao feel weird, but also very satisfied.

After ningmengyao and others, we came to the ordinary village. Fengxiao couldn't believe that it was the place where the Xiao family lived.

According to the truth, they keep so much wealth. No matter what, they don't live too badly. But the appearance of this ordinary village really surprised fengxiao.

"By accident?"

"It's really a surprise. I didn't expect it to be such a simple place, but it's very comfortable to watch." After coming here, fengxiao felt that her heart had become very calm. The previous mania seemed to disappear completely at this moment.

Ningmengyao smiled: "not everyone likes to live a luxurious life, but this simple life is not bad, is it?"

"You're right." Feng Xiao thought about it and nodded.

Just like him, when he was on the west coast, although he wanted anything, he was also in a high position, but what he lacked was that kind of sincere treatment.

To be honest, he doesn't even have a friend.

When Xiao Ren saw Feng Xiao, who was still at war with them, he even talked and laughed with them as if they were friends. He was confused: "how did you bring people in, miss?"

"Don't worry, uncle Ren. Nothing will happen." Ning Mengyao said soothingly.

Xiao Ren wanted to say something else, but at last, instead of him, he turned around and left. Since the young lady said that, he should believe her.

Sitting in the yard, Ning Mengyao looks at Qingshuang and says, "Qingshuang gives him the pulse to see if you can detoxify him." If you can detoxify without the blood of Linghu, Ning Mengyao would be more willing to do so.

Qingshuang nodded and went to fengxiao's side. Regardless of whether fengxiao was against it or not, he grabbed his hand and began to feel his pulse.

Qingshuang looks at fengxiao strangely, and looks at fengxiao with a surprised look after the pulse.

"What eyes do you have?" The eyes of Qingshuang are angry. Fengxiao frowns and stares at Qingshuang.

"I wonder how you survived." Qingshuang opens his mouth straightforwardly. Before fengxiao speaks, the people behind him are angry, but fengxiao stops him.

Ningmengyao looked at Qingshuang curiously: "what's the matter? Is there any way to detoxify it? "

"Miss, the poison in him is called seven insects and seven flowers. It's made of the most poisonous insects and flowers, and it's in a certain proportion. But the antidote is also very simple. It's also the seven kinds of poisonous insects and seven kinds of poisonous flowers, but the proportion of configuration is completely reversed. The amount of poisonous insects has become the amount of poisonous flowers, and the order is also very learned." Said Qingshuang, her eyes shining.

Feng Xiao looks at Qingshuang in surprise: "do you know the poison?"

"Not only do I know, but I have developed some myself. Do you want it?" Qingshuang looks at fengxiao with her eyebrows raised. That way, she turns her head subconsciously. Who are you.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qingshuang: "that means you can solve it?"

"Yes, this one of him is just a common seven insects and seven flowers. It's easy to solve." Qingshuang doesn't care.

In fact, she had seen this kind of poison in a kind of ancient medical book of Shifu, and then she looked for these poisonous insects and poisonous flowers. Then she developed some poisons by herself, but Shifu said that the seven insects and seven flowers she developed were improved versions. The general seven insects and seven flowers could not be compared with each other, and the poison she developed was difficult to solve.

Ningmengyao's eyelids jumped. Fengxiao was also a black line on his face. He spent so much time on the poison that he couldn't get rid of. Now a little girl said it was easy to get rid of it.

Is it because his people are too bad or his talent is too scary?