Since Joe mofeng came to them, he has been helping to take the little monkey. The little monkey also likes to sleep and play with his brother. If he leaves, can the little monkey adapt?

"Little monkey?" Feng Xiao looks at Ning Mengyao accidentally. Is that her son? Call it that?

"Well, it's the little monkey. It's wrinkled and red when he was born." Ning Mengyao nodded and told Feng Xiao the source of Qiao Mo Shang's nickname. Finally, he added, "I can only call this name by myself."

"No one can call but you." Qiao Tianchang opens his mouth on the edge.

His son is white, tender and tender. He was called a little monkey by ningmengyao. When he was little, he was fine. If he grew up Think of all feel helpless.

Ning Mengyao nodded naturally: "of course." Want to

Feng Xiao looks at Ning Mengyao: "are you sure your son will not be angry later?"

"Certainly not." Said Ning Mengyao.

"Well, it's time to go."

It's another half month. Ning Mengyao and them finally return to their base camp. Standing in front of this large open space, Feng Xiao and they are surprised: "here?"

"Yes, you'll see later." Ningmengyao nodded, then chongqingxuan nodded.

Qingxuan went to one side and didn't know what he had done. There was a one person high passage in the open place.

When Feng Xiao goes in with Ning Mengyao, his face is shocked.

"No wonder I haven't found it for so long." Feng Xiao said subconsciously.

Ning Mengyao nodded naturally: "if you find this so easily, we should not mix?"

Feng Xiao glanced at Ning Mengyao and said, "it's your turn."

"That is."

Ningmengyao took fengxiao and they went to their house together. When they got to the door, they heard Qiao mofeng's voice: "Shanger, be careful. You can't go there."

Looking down at the little steamed buns running out, he subconsciously reached out and slipped them into his arms and held them: "does the little monkey want his mother?"

Qiao Mo Shang blinked at the person in front of him, then subconsciously reached out and put his arms around Ning Mengyao's neck: "my mother is bad, my father is bad, and I don't care about the little monkey."

Listen to Qiao moshang's self assertion, Ning Mengyao is happy, Qiao Tianchang's face is black, his son is really.

"The little monkey is not angry. I will take you with me wherever my parents go, OK?" Ning Mengyao reached out to point his son's nose and said with a smile.

"Good." Qiao moshang looks at Qiao Tianchang on the edge and stretches out his little fat hand: "Daddy hug."

Qiao Tianchang reaches for his son and bumps him in his hand. He feels like he hasn't seen him for a while. His son has gained a lot of weight.

Qiao Mo Shang's line of sight suddenly fell on Feng Xiao's body, looked at Feng Xiao's face, blinked: "like my brother, I'm old."

Ningmengyao and others were stunned for a while and let the latter burst out laughing, especially ningmengyao. If it wasn't for Qiao Tianchang's support, she might have been on the ground laughing at this time.

He reached out and pinched his son's face: "who taught you that?" Ning Mengyao was surprised to find that his son said a lot more and thought clearly.

You know, I'm just over a year old now.

Feng Xiao's brow was blue, and even the maple on the edge could not help laughing. This little guy was so cute.

"Mother." Qiao mofeng, who followed, saw a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"You're back, mom and dad."

Ning Mengyao went to Qiao mofeng and rubbed his head: "how are you doing? Is there any laziness in learning? "

"No, the gentlemen here are good." Said Jomo Feng, his eyes shining.

"In that case, I'll check later." Qiao Tianchang plays the role of strict father in front of Qiao mofeng, so it's natural to say that.

"OK, Dad, I'll tell you..." Qiao mofeng told Qiao Tianchang about what happened and what he learned during this period.

Feng Xiao stood on the edge and looked at his son calling someone else's father. He was so close to others, and his heart was not sour. He didn't lose a look. That means clearly that it's all your fault.