As soon as Xiao Luoyan's face changed, the look in Xiao Qifeng's eyes became extremely sharp: "Xiao Qifeng, if you dare to poison me, I will certainly let you die without a burial place."

"Ha ha, haven't you already said such a threat? Is there something more to say at one time? " Xiao Qifeng's eyes at Xiao Luoyan are for meat, but the gentle back is so unacceptable.

Xiao Qifeng went to Xiao Luoyan's face, crouched down, and looked at the person who was soft to the ground and had no resistance, with a happy smile on his face: "don't worry, he will not die."

Say to want to put the pill in the hand into Xiao Luo Yan's mouth, but at this time, a figure broke into Xiao Qifeng's study, reached out to support Xiao Luo Yan and left quickly.

Xiao Qifeng stood in situ and looked at Xiao Luoyan's figure taken away. His eyes flickered slightly, and then he raised a smile of unknown significance.

Put the pill in your hand into your mouth, chew it twice and swallow it.

After Xiao Luoyan was taken back, he was given some antidote pills. Just after his body had gained some strength, Xiao Luoyan slapped his backhand on the face of the person next to him.

"Xiao Teng, you just want to see me make a fool of yourself, don't you?" Xiao Luoyan looked at the people on the side with a grim face and said angrily.

Xiao Teng bowed his head, and his voice was calm: "No."

"No? Since you know Xiao Qifeng is a very dangerous person, why don't you tell me? " Xiao Luoyan waits for Xiao Teng fiercely, with a strong murderous spirit on his face. It's this man who caused him to lose such a face.

Xiao Teng looks at Xiao Luoyan with a calm face. He is beaten without even a little mood fluctuation.

"I reminded you, young master, but you didn't hear it. I said that Xiao Qifeng can come to this point, even dare to fight Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao. There must be his means in it. You don't believe it." Xiao Teng said the facts calmly, but these facts made Xiao Luoyan very ugly.

Lift leg, kick in Xiao Teng's body, kick people out for a long distance.

Xiao Teng's body flashed a thick murderous gas for a moment, but it soon converged.

Xiao Luoyan looked at Xiao Teng coldly: "you are just a dog beside me. I can't work until you say three or four things."

Xiao Teng's eyes are full of fury, and his eyes are full of crazy murderous spirit. But when he looks at Xiao Luoyan's eyes, the murderous spirit in his eyes disappears in a moment, just like an illusion.

Xiao Luoyan looks at Xiao Teng and suddenly laughs: "Xiao Teng, are you particularly unwilling? You are obviously talented and capable, but you want to stay with me. All the credit you do is mine. Do you want to kill me Xiao Luoyan looked at Xiao Teng and asked.

It seems that he wants to provoke Xiao Teng.

Xiao Teng raised his head calmly and said indifferently, "how could it be?"

Xiao Luoyan smiled sarcastically: "I'm afraid you don't dare. After all, without the Xiao family, you have no place to live. You still have to rely on us to survive. Are you right?"

"Naturally, the young master is right." Xiao Teng is light in line, just like a machine without his own feelings.

After a few times, Xiao Luoyan thought it was meaningless, and he no longer continued to embarrass Xiao Teng: "go away, you'd better be honest with me, or I'll make your life worse."

Xiao Teng turned away as if he hadn't heard.

After returning to his room, Xiao Teng's calm eyes were filled with anger and hatred for a moment.

Relying on the Xiao family? Xiao Teng sneers. Even if he leaves Xiao's house, he can still live a good life. He just stays here to do things for his own convenience.

Moreover, compared with the former Xiao family, the gap between the present Xiao family and the former Xiao family is not a little. He has little interest in a family that has gradually declined.

Xiao Teng reached for the wound on his face and sneered. He would return it sooner or later.