Muxue's feeling about tongbaozhai and Yao'er has disappeared completely, but Xiao Qifeng knows. As long as he says something around muxue, and he knows that they will not tell her about these things, so they can be so relieved.

And he felt that Xiao Qifeng had done more than that. He not only told Mu Xue about this, but also asked her to ask them. It's one way of saying, it's not another way of saying. It's not just to look at his happiness and say what he wants.

"Then shall we tell her?" Said situ Xuan in a low voice.

Muchen also shook her head: "needless to say, it's too late even now, and she doesn't necessarily accept our statement. She may even think that we are helping Yao'er, but come to cheat her."

Situ Xuan's eyelids slightly jumped. If it was the former muxue, she was not at ease. But now muxue is not sure. Maybe her heart will be broken by her former Yao'er.

"Then what?" Situ Xuan was worried. Could she just let it go? It's not good to let it go, is it?

Muchen chuckled, with a smile on her face: "don't worry, I don't think it will be long before Xiao Qifeng should come."

"You mean that Mu Xue will tell Xiao Qifeng our whereabouts?" Situ Xuan suddenly felt that her head was not enough.

Muchen nodded softly: "maybe, maybe not, but we have arrived at the news of qiwangfu, Xiao Qifeng must know." Otherwise, where is there such a good thing in the world?

As soon as they arrived, Mu Xue began to ask Ning Mengyao about tongbaozhai. He didn't believe that there was any greasiness.

Situ Xuan's brow was slightly wrinkled, and the expression on her face was worried.


"Don't worry, it will be OK." Muchen is very sure about this. Even if Xiao Qifeng comes, he will not do anything to them.

Now that's a very sensitive period for him. Tongbaozhai has been very active. If he dare to fight against them, he will surely regret it.

Xiao Qifeng is a smart man, and also very, very smart, so he knows how to do it.

As expected, it's different from what Mu Chen thought. It's only two days. Xiao Qifeng has arrived, and he's also calling to see them.

"What do you want?" Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng and said angrily.

That's to visit the prince Qi's mansion, not to shout for him.

"Qitian, you really have changed. I don't know you." Xiao Qifeng looks at Xiao Qitian's face because someone else has thin anger.

Once he would argue with others for him, but now he feels really bad to see him questioning himself for others and criticizing himself for others.

"I have something to look for them in Muchen."

"Qi Tian, you take Xueer out for a walk, or go to work on your own business. I think Xiao Huang is a smart man. He should know what's best for him. Am I right?" Muchen looked at Xiao Qifeng and said with a smile.

Xiao Qifeng took a look at Muchen and nodded: "that's nature."

Smart as Xiao Qifeng, how could he not know the threat in his mouth? But it's nothing for him. After all, he didn't come here today to fight and kill.

"Tell me what you are eager to say. If I remember correctly, the relationship between us is not so good." Muchen smiled at Xiao Qifeng and said casually.

"You are right. Our relationship is not so good, but I just want to ask you where Tianchang is." Xiao Qifeng looked at Mu Chen and asked earnestly.

Muchen looks at Xiao Qifeng unexpectedly: "do you want to find Tianchang? I was surprised to hear Tianchang's name from your mouth. " Muchen didn't know whether he was mocking Xiao Qifeng or disdaining him. In a word, the tone was not very good.