Just like his brother, is not it because he is afraid of tongbaozhai that he will do so many things?

"Qi Tian gives you a piece of advice. Let's watch the snow." Although Muchen doesn't want to treat her sister like this, she can only remind Xiao Qitian of what Muchen looks like now.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Qitian didn't react for a while. What did he mean by that.

Muchen smiled and looked at Xiao Qitian: "she is too close to Xiao Qifeng. How do you think Xiao Qifeng can come to the Qiwang mansion without knowing the ghost? Even without your knowledge? " Muchen said sarcastically.

As soon as Xiao Qitian's face changed, he looked at Muchen's cold face: "you mean that the reason why he came here today is because of Xueer?"

"Is it or not? You have guessed for a long time. He wants to get Tianchang's whereabouts from us. Because we didn't say it, so He said that we were imprisoned here and wanted to force us to comply. Xiao Qitian and Xuanxuan won't stay in qiwangfu for long. "

Xiao Qitian looks at Muchen and wants to refute his words, saying that his wife is not such a person, but seeing Muchen like that, the refutation is speechless.

And he didn't know for a long time that there was a connection between his wife and that person?

"I see. Don't worry, brother. I'll restrain her." The only thing Mu Xue hasn't changed now is her feelings for herself.

"That's good. Don't come here in the future. After the baby is born, we will go to see it and leave." Muchen said quietly.

Looking at Muchen, Xiao Qitian wants to ask if he has anything to help him. He just thinks of Muchen and doesn't say anything.

"Well, if you need any help, you can ask someone to come and tell me."


Xiao Qitian didn't stay here for a long time in Muchen, only left them for a while.

Situ Xuan looked at Mu Chen and frowned: "can he trust him?"

"Yes, Xiao Qitian is different from Xiao Qifeng. In his heart, Tianchang is still his good friend and brother. But Xiao Qifeng is still looking for him to calculate. No matter what the reason is, Xiao Qitian will not say these things. Moreover, even if he says them, it will do us no harm." After all, they didn't say anything special, did they?

In the past two days, the belly of bathing in snow began to produce frequent pains, but it can't be born yet, so we have to bite our teeth and hold on. When bathing in snow is about to last, steady grandma finally said that the birth path is open and can be born.

So the servant girls and so on in the palace are all busy, the boiling water of boiling water, the preparation of things, everything is in order.

And Mu Chen who got the news just looked at the front and didn't notice.

At the door of the room, waiting for Xiao Qitian to listen to the screams coming from inside, his face turned white. Are women so terrible to have children?

However, seeing that Muchen did not come, I was disappointed.

The child was born a boy after a whole day's hard work.

Xiao Qitian listened to the cry of the baby in the room. He was relieved and finally gave birth.

Xiao Qitian held the door frame, and it took a while to slow down.

He never knew that he would have a time of emptiness, and still did nothing.

"Congratulations to the prince, and the prince, who is a young gentleman." The servant girl came out with the child in her arms. Xiao Qitian took a look. It was red and wrinkled. Suddenly he could understand why ningmengyao called Shanger little monkey after Shanger was born. The children just born were wrinkled.

Looking at his son's fleshy fist, Xiao Qitian had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Blood relationship was really a wonderful feeling.

"How about the princess? Are you ok? "

"Don't worry, the prince. The princess is OK. She is tired and asleep."

Xiao Qitian nodded to show that he knew, and told the following people to prepare food for mu Xue. After all, he went to Mu Chen and them.

Anyway, this is Muchen's nephew.