"Daddy." Qiao mofeng stops Qiao Tianchang who wants to leave, hoping he can stay.

He really didn't want to talk to the person in front of him. It was like swallowing a fly.

Looking at this man, he can't help but think of the memories of being planted wild when he was a child.

"Feng'er is OK. If you have anything to say, just open it." Qiao Tianchang smiles at Qiao mofeng, and then nods to Feng Xiao before leaving.

Feng Xiao looked at Qiao Tianchang gratefully. After he left, he looked down at his son: "feng'er, I didn't know your existence at all. I've been looking for your mother for a long time." Feng Xiao didn't know what to say to his son, but thought of his misunderstanding of them, he quickly opened his mouth.

Qiao Mo Feng looks at Feng Xiao calmly, as if he is just a spectator, and has no intention of interrupting at all.

Qiao mofeng looked at fengxiao and whispered, "is it an accident? Ha ha, no wonder she doesn't like me at all. No matter me or my parents, they are more like my own parents. They prepare the best for me. I will have some of Shanger's

"Maple you..." Feng Xiao didn't think of it. Qiao Mo Feng had such an idea in his heart.

Qiaomofeng looked at fengxiao and said with a light smile: "I'm right. My parents are really good to me. When I'm in a bad mood, they can quickly realize that when I have something to do, they also talk to me. When I'm confused, they are like my inspiration star. They illuminate everything for me, protect me, but respect me. I've never been in her I've seen it in my body, not even once. "

Just now, qiaomofeng listened to fengxiao. Now, fengxiao listens to qiaomofeng. Listening to him, especially the last sentence, fengxiao feels very sad.

When he was a little boy, he didn't have a very good life, but there were still a few old men who really loved him. But Joe mofeng was different. Before he met ningmengyao and his wife, he seemed to be just one person, and there was something about her before he fell, so he completely ignored him.

"In fact, I really want a complete home." When he was little, he envied those children who had fathers.

"Maple can do it." Feng Xiao said quickly.

However, Qiao Mo Feng shook his head and said, "it's too late. Everything is too late."

There is a home at this time. Don't you think it's too late?

"Why is maple so stubborn?"

"Ha ha, I'm really stubborn, but the memories of being scolded for wild seeds and wild children are always in my mind. I can't forget them if I want to. Since I've been with Joe's family, I've realized the warmth of my family, and that memory has also been forgotten by me." With Joe Tianchang and his family, he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he felt that he should be a member of this family.

However, when they forget all those memories, they come to dig them out again, as if this would make them happy.

"To tell you the truth, if she didn't tell me that my father died long ago, just told me that my father had something to deal with when he went out, then I would be very happy when I see you."

Fengxiao is silent and speechless. There are two different ways to deal with it. One is flawed. When it breaks out completely, it will be like Qiao mofeng. The other is a white lie, but before it falls, he chooses the former.

Qiaomofeng looked at the front and said with a smile, "I have a knot in my heart. I can't let it go no matter what. So let me see her, or forget it."

"Can't Maple really go?" Feng Xiao didn't think that his final decision was not to go.

Joe mofeng nodded, "well, no more."

Fengxiao also wants to say something. You can see Qiao mofeng's quiet and heartbreaking appearance. He can't speak persuasively. At last, he can only stand beside Qiao mofeng in silence and watch his tall body.