Feng Xiao, who thought he would not get a response, was stunned, then he laughed: "take good care of yourself, don't try so hard."

Qiaomofeng looked at fengxiao without saying a word, just looking at it calmly.


"Nothing. If it's OK, I'll go first." Joe mofeng turned to leave.

But Feng Xiao called him and said with a smile, "a child should have the appearance of a child. Don't force him to grow up."

Qiao Mo Feng's movement pauses for a while, turns around to look at Feng Xiao, is very casual opening: "since childhood like this."

If he doesn't grow up, he will only be eaten at home. If he doesn't want to be eaten, he will make himself stronger quickly.

And he knew that was the way to survive.

Parents may be very powerful, but they can't stay with them all their lives, so he can only rely on himself.

Feng Xiao was completely stunned by Qiao Mo Feng's words. After a long time, he said, "maybe you are right."

Isn't that how he came from childhood? If you want to survive, you have to pay more.

Qiao Mo Feng didn't speak, just left, this time fengxiao didn't stop him, just looked at him, eyes with love.

Feng Xiao left Wutang and went to Qiao Tianchang. He thanked him sincerely: "Tianchang maybe I really should thank you."

"No, feng'er is our son, but why doesn't she come back?" Joe Tianchang squinted and asked in a cold voice.

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Mo Feng and doesn't know how to say it.

But Qiao Tianchang understood: "is it the same as what feng'er said?"

"I don't really know."


"I really can't read her mind. I don't know what she wants." Feng Xiao reached out his hand and rubbed his eyebrow, saying that he was tired.

He did so many things, but he got such an end in the end, which was a shame to Xiang fengxiao.

After leaving here, WeiLuo is like a changed person, silent, like a child without soul.

At first, it was like this. Later, she began to want to leave in various ways.

This time it's more noisy Thinking of what happened when he arrived, Feng Xiao's eyes dimmed slightly, but soon recovered, but Qiao Tianchang saw the flash of emotion in his eyes.

"So you want to come back and let Maple see her?"


Qiao Tianchang nodded to make it clear: "someone is looking for you."

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang, and suddenly he hates to change the topic.

"I know it's Xiao Luoyan. He really wants those things. After all, his position in the family will be improved a lot." And he has let go. Xiao Luoyan knows that there is no way for him to do these things. Don't you send someone to look for him everywhere?

"I see, but there's something more interesting happening over there. It seems that he and Xiao Teng want to quarrel, but Xiao Teng just bears it all the time."

Feng Xiao sneered, "isn't that natural?" Xiao Luoyan's brave and resourceless appearance, no matter how many counselors around him, can also let him go, let alone Xiao Teng has no good feelings for him, and is even more ambitious for the Xiao family. If it is not for toleration, Xiao Luoyan will be destroyed for a long time.

Those people in the Xiao family are not enough for Xiao Teng to see.

"It seems you already know."

"Well, although I didn't mean to dominate there, I still have a lot of information about big families." Feng Xiao said casually.

For this, Joe Tianchang naturally understands that he has a wife with a strong intelligence system.

"So you're going to WeiLuo now?" Qiao Tianchang asked with a raised eyebrow.

Feng Xiao nodded, "I want to find out why she is." Since she didn't like this child, she could not have it at all at the beginning, but why should she treat this child like this after she was born.

Qiao Tianchang didn't say anything, just looked at fengxiao. Sometimes, some things, in fact, need not be investigated so clearly.

After all, there is a saying that the truth is often hurtful.