Qiao Tianchang said hello to meiruolin and walked out with her son in her arms. It was like running away.

Meiruolin looked at the scene doubtfully, and said doubtfully, "how do I feel that he is running away from the desert?" Is she that terrible? Is that a big response?

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing and explained, "sister Mei, you misunderstood him. He is going to take the little monkey to the mountain. I wanted to go, but he was thinking about how not to let me go. You won't come?"

Meiruolin nodded clearly: "you really are. You don't have one or two in your stomach. Be careful. Don't be fidgety."

Ningmengyao suddenly looks at meiruolin. How do you feel this is familiar?

"What about sister Mei and her husband? He's not with you? "

"Your brother-in-law has gone to deal with their affairs."

Ningmengyao sighed: "I knew it would be like this, so I wouldn't let them go to Muchen."

Mei Ruolin looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "you, who can know? But in fact, it's good for Muchen to see clearly what kind of person muche is. It's also good for him. "

Ningmengyao wants to refute, but nods and agrees after thinking, which is exactly the same thing.

Muchen has always been concerned about Muchen. After this time, I'm afraid he's really disappointed in Muchen, right?

As for the reason why they can leave but don't leave, Ning Mengyao doesn't want to investigate.

In king Qi's mansion, because she had a son and felt her position was more stable, Mu Xue had some changes in her way of doing things, more like being the head mother of a large family. However, even Xiao Qitian was not comfortable with such changes, because Mu Xue's means had become much stronger. She was gentle and kind before, but since she had a child After that, as long as the following people have a little mistake, she will be severely punished.

Xiao Qitian looks at the white, tender and tender child in his arms. Although he didn't have Shanger as a child, he would cry and make a lot of trouble, but Xiao Qitian still likes it very much.

"Qi Tian, I want to go out for a walk." After a long time in the room, I watched Xiao Qitian ask for help.

"It's only after the child's full moon, Mammy said. You can't blow in the moon, or it's bad for your health." Such a topic has been said many times in these days.

Mu snow looked at small Qi days that way, immediately angry: "Qi days you this is perfunctory, who said?"

"Don't make a fool of Xueer." Xiao Qitian frowns, how can he become perfunctory for her good health?

Mu Xue is fierce by Xiao Qitian. The whole person is stunned there. After reacting, he starts to cry: "after having a child, you think I'm useless, don't you?" When she was pregnant, she was gentle, but now? He didn't listen to all his demands. He was worried and ignored her words directly, which made her very uncomfortable.

Xiao Qitian took a deep breath and looked at Mu Xue: "what are you doing? The moon is good for your health. You are the mother of your child. How can you think you are useless? "

For mu Xue's vexatious behavior in this period of time, Xiao Qi felt a little upset.

It's like this every time. He's so upset that he doesn't understand how this person can change so fast.

"I don't listen. You just think children are more important. I would not have this child if I knew it." After Mu Xue said this, Xiao Qitian's face immediately changed.

Take the sleeping baby to the nanny: "take the young master down."

"Yes, my Lord."

Xiao Qitian waves to let other people go out. After waiting for someone to leave, Xiao Qitian looks at Mu Xue and says, "tell me, what do you want to do? Want to see your brother

Mu Xue was stunned, and there was a flash of panic in her eyes. She hurriedly shook her head: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Xiao Qitian sneered: "before you let him come in and find big brother and them, now big brother and they are under house arrest here, do you really think I don't know?"

Mu Xuemeng looks up at Xiao Qitian. It seems that Xiao Qitian didn't know it.

"You You... "