How can Xiao Qitian not understand what Muchen wants to say? Now Xiao Qifeng is more and more incomprehensible, especially after he came here before, but he refused to leave, he seems to change More crazy.

Everything he does is reckless, some of which are not clear about Xiao Qifeng's plans and ideas.

"You know, I won't tell you more. In a few days, my uncle and I should come here. Then Xuanxuan and I will leave." Muchen looked at Xiao Qitian and said.

Xiao Qitian was stunned and asked subconsciously, "Why are you so worried?"

"Well, it's time to leave, or we won't be able to leave even if we want to." Muchen thought of the news that Yufeng had brought to them, and her eyes gradually turned cold. What's more, they still have many things to do.

Xiao Qitian opens his mouth and wants to say something, but he doesn't say it at last: "since you have decided, let's do that. I won't say it."

Mu Chen nodded: "for mu Xue, you don't want to spoil her blindly. Now she is not worth you to spoil her and hurt her."

This words originally Mu Chen shouldn't say, but think of Mu Xue that way, his in the mind diaphragmatic should be fierce.

"Don't think what Chen said is too much. I'm a woman. I can understand the desire of a woman. Muxue is not the one she used to be. She may still love you, but for others, because she has a son, she doesn't need to be the same as before." Situ Xuan interrupts what Xiao Qitian wants to say and sighs.

Xiao Qitian looked at them and nodded after a long silence: "don't worry, elder brother and sister-in-law. I know how to do it."

Muchen and her husband nodded, "since that's good, the child is still young. Go and have a look."

"Then I'll go first."

As soon as Xiao Qitian returned to the yard, he heard the voice of the child.

As soon as her face changed, she hurried towards the house. As soon as she got to the door, she heard the angry scolding coming from inside. The voice was Mu Xue, and the object of her scolding was their child who was just born.

"Cry, cry, cry." Mu Xue is bothered by the children's quarrel. Looking at the servant girl on the ground, she says impatiently, "what are you still doing there? Don't hurry up and take people away.

The nurse on the ground hurriedly stood up and carried the baby. When she got to the door, she saw Xiao Qitian standing there with a gloomy face.

"Ah See the Lord. " Nanny was frightened by Xiao Qitian. The child in her hand was almost thrown to the ground by her.

Xiao Qitian reaches out to take over the baby in the hand of the nanny. He sees that there is a scratch on the baby's white and tender face, all of which have some broken skin and are emitting small blood beads.

"Who hurt the child's face?" Xiao Qitian said gloomily.

The child is so small and the skin is so tender.

"Yes It is... " The nanny knelt on the ground, trembling and afraid to say, and her body was shaking badly.

Xiao Qitian looked at the nurse on the ground coldly and said angrily, "say."

"Yes, it's the princess." The nanny closed her eyes and said to her life.

Just now, the princess said that she wanted to see the children, and then she asked them to hold the children. Who knows that the child cried soon after. The princess coaxed the child but didn't coax it well, so she put the child on her feet. When she put it on, she accidentally scratched the child's cheek with her fingernails. The tender skin won't be scratched.

Because of the pain on his face, the young master cried even harder. That's why Xiao Qitian saw that scene just now.

How could Xiao Qitian not understand the meaning of the nanny? He looked down at the wound on his son's face. He was so sad that he asked the housekeeper to take the ointment and gently put it on him.

I don't know whether Xiao Qitian's movements are too gentle or his smell is too familiar. Little baozi gradually sobbed and stopped crying.

At that time, Xiao Qitian couldn't feel the pain because of his small appearance.

Holding the child coax for a while, coax it to sleep, put the child in the breast of the nanny: "take care of it carefully, call Ben Wang if you have something."