Now, seeing how Muchen would like to slap her, he felt a headache.

It's a good thing. How could it be like this.

"Xueer, don't be fooling around. That's brother's wife. You can't be a younger sister in three ways. You can have opinions about sister-in-law, but you can't interfere in brother's life." If I let others know, how would I think of her?

A younger sister is also in charge of his brother's house. Not only that, but also what he said to help his brother change his wife. No matter who said that, she couldn't say it. But she was born as if she didn't know anything.

"Qi TIANLIAN, do you say that?" Mu Xue looks at Xiao Qi's eyes with consternation and dissatisfaction. More of them are still angry.

This is my husband. Why don't you help me?

Xiao Qitian goes to Mu Xue's side and reaches out to hold her in her arms and looks down at her. Her face is helpless.

"Cher, it's not that I don't help you, but what you said. If elder brother said in front of all the people today, let me leave you, and then said in front of you to find a man for you again, a hundred times better than me, what would you think? Brother loves his sister-in-law very much. He can stand your vexatious behavior, but he can't stand your meddling in his life. "

I don't know if Xiao Qitian's words have any effect. Mu Xue looks at Xiao Qitian with complicated expression.

"He won't." Muxue said firmly.

But Xiao Qitian laughed.

"Yes, big brother can't, because he knows that we have a good relationship, so he can't say such words, but how can you not think about it for big brother? Don't you know his feelings with his sister-in-law? "

Mu Xue frowned, glanced at situ Xuan and snorted coldly.

"I don't want her to be my sister-in-law if she doesn't deserve my brother, and she wants him to leave me." Bathing in snow is like a child robbed of sugar, discontented.

Situ Xuan was not angry. She was not angry at all. This kind of Mu Xue just let her know how blind she used to be. She took care of such a girl as her own sister.

Muchen goes to Xiao Qitian's face, pushes him away, holds Mu Xue's shoulder and slaps her face.

Mu Xue, who had never been beaten before, stared round her eyes.

She looked at Muchen stupidly.

"You hit me? You beat me for this woman? "

"The fight is you ungrateful person. If the Dragon touches the scales, it will die. Xuanxuan is my scales. Don't let me hear that again. And I'll say it for the last time. It's not for you to intervene in my affairs." Muchen takes back his hand. There is no sense of guilt at all. He looks at Muchen and says coldly.

The two uncles of Mu family have a headache. Seeing that their brother and sister are in such trouble, they feel that Mu Xue's words are too much.

"Well, I hate you in the morning. Since you chose this woman, I will remember." Muxue wiped the tears that she didn't know when she fell down. She looked at Muchen and said.

Xiao Qitian frowns and looks at Mu Xue like this. He is also angry.

"Have you had enough trouble, Cher?" She has been making trouble since before, and now she is still making trouble. How far does she want to make trouble before she knows how to stop.

"You also say I make trouble? Xiao Qitian, I hate you. " Then he pushed away Xiao Qitian's outstretched hand and ran out.

See such Mu Xue, Xiao Qi naive do not know how to do.

Now Mu Xue is like a child, who knows nothing and makes trouble all the time.

Such a day, let Xiao Qitian feel so tired, the original kind of happiness in her again and again, gradually disappeared.

All the way back to the room, Mu Xue lies on the bed crying loudly, no matter how people on the side advise is not listening.

Half an hour later, muxue with red eyes raised her head and looked out ferociously.

Want to leave like this? We have to see if they can leave.

The ruthlessness on Mu Xue's face, the servant girls and women on the edge of the frighten couldn't help shaking their bodies. The princess looked terrible.