Black old man a Zheng, then nod, how can he know his body condition?

"You see, I'm like a nobody now. Actually, I know my body has reached its limit." These days, he has too many physical problems. In the middle of the night, his chest pain makes him want to die directly, and there are many signs.

He didn't tell others about this. Maybe in the eyes of those people, he has no value for use, so his life and death are not important to those people.

"What you said is true?" Black old man still can't believe it.

Xiao Qifeng looked at the black old man's distrust with a wry smile.

"When a man is dying, his words are good."

"I'll inform Tianchang for you, but I think you should understand that no matter Tianchang does or doesn't do it in this matter, they won't stay after the matter is over." Black old man looked at Xiao Qifeng seriously.

Xiao Qifeng was stunned, then nodded.

"I know. They will leave this place."

"Then you..."

"Cough." Xiao Qifeng's violent cough interrupted black old man's words. Black old man looked at Xiao Qifeng who kept coughing with his golden veil over his mouth.

Even though his hands were clapped, the blood fell to the ground along his fingers.

After about half a cup of tea, Xiao Qifeng's cough began to subside. He took a bottle of medicine out of his sleeve cage, poured out a few pills, and after eating it, he cleaned the blood on his hands without expression.

Black old man looks at him like this. If he is not pale and still has blood on his hand, I'm afraid he will think that this man is pretending.

"Are you ok?"

"I can't die for the time being. I'll help Qi Tian deal with Xiao's affairs before he dies." Xiao Qifeng said, as if life and death were not important to him.

"It can't make you feel better, but it can make you feel better." The black old man took a look at Xiao Qifeng, took out a bottle of medicine from his medicine box and handed it to Xiao Qifeng.

"Thank you." Xiao Qifeng pinched the medicine bottle tightly, so it was enough.

"I will write to Tianchang and they. During this time, you..."

"You help me take care of Qi Tian. I go to deal with the things I should deal with. After waiting so long, I can finally start." Xiao Qifeng's face was cruel and happy. It was obviously that he could not bear this time.

Black old man looked at Xiao Qifeng in silence. He was not used to his appearance.

"When are you going to tell Qi Tian?" I can't wait for him to die for such a big thing, can I?

Although it's almost the same now, it's better than what I told him at that time.

"When he's healed." Xiao Qifeng thought about it and made a decision.

"I'll write to Tianchang and them."

"I'll have you taken."

After the black old man left, Xiao Qifeng's eyes were firm. No matter what, he would not let them have an accident. It's worth changing their lives with one of his own.

The black old man wrote a letter and sent it back with a letter hawk.

The next evening, Ning Mengyao received a letter from the black old man. After reading it, Ning Mengyao was totally stupid and couldn't believe it. How could it be true.

"Tianchang, this is a letter written by grandpa Hei. Have a look." Ningmengyao takes the letter and goes to the horse farm to find Qiao Tianchang. She hands the thick letter to Qiao Tianchang.

"Yao Yao, what's the matter with you? Doesn't look good? Is there something wrong? " Seeing the ugly face of Ning Mengyao, Qiao Tianchang asked.

"I'm ok, you have a look first, but you have to promise me not to worry, OK?" It can be imagined what kind of expression Joe Tianchang will have when he knows the news.

"I see." Qiao Tianchang took a deep breath, pressed the uneasiness in his heart, opened the letter and read it.

After reading it, his hand was shaking constantly. He looked at Ning Mengyao with shock and disbelief in his eyes.

"Grandpa Black said that Qi Feng has only three months left?"

"Well, that's what grandpa Black said, and it's also written on it. Does Xiao Qifeng look sick?" Ningmengyao really can't accept it. The man who has become their enemy finally does everything to protect them.