Although other people have told her this, but she has been pretending not to know, or nothing, but now it is different.

The person who said this is not others, but ningmengyao, who she hates the most.

In her mind, her current situation is all the fault of Ning Mengyao.

"What are you saying here? If it wasn't for you, would I be like this? " If her things are still in hand, they will not do this to her. Only when they have power and status in their hands can they get everything they want.

Ning Mengyao laughs with joy, which is not the same as her saying.

Smile not smile of looked at her, Ning Mengyao eyes of irony is how to hide.

"Because of me? Why don't you say it's your big heart? "

"Ning Mengyao, do you dare to say it's not you? If you didn't make me forget those things by means, and I still have power and status, how could they do this to me? It's all your fault. " Mu Xue said gnashing her teeth.

Yu Feng looks at Mu Xue impatiently, puts his hand on Ning Mengyao's shoulder, and pushes people to the side.

"What are you doing with such a brain wreck? Can she understand more? " Yu Feng really despises Mu Xue's appearance now, and feels that he is a disgrace.

Ningmengyao helplessly looked at Yufeng, so forced to be pushed away, some uncomfortable.

"Don't push me, brother-in-law. I'll go by myself." Ning Mengyao quickly said.

Mu Xue watched the two people leave, shouting angrily, because the violent action involved the wound on her face, so she could not help frowning.

Xiao Qitian in the room listened to all the movements outside. He thought that Mu Xue had become like this now. Xiao Qitian's face was full of disappointment.

It's no wonder that Yufeng can't help but directly fight against the insult of saying that the child in Mengyao's belly is a wild species.

If this is replaced by him, he may be more ruthless. He should be glad that the people around Mengyao are not Tianchang?

In a daze, Xiao Qitian finally couldn't hold up and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Half asleep and half awake, Xiao Qitian heard the sound of crying again.

This voice makes Xiao Qi can't help wrinkling his brow. He is very unhappy at first sight.

"Qitian, get up quickly. They all bully me. You're going to avenge me." See Xiao Qitian frown, seem to wake up, muxue action is bigger, hands holding Xiao Qitian's hand constantly shaking.

Want to sleep, but can't sleep, Xiao Qitian opens his eyes angrily, looks at the cheek in front of him red and swollen, and bathes in snow constantly crying.

"Stop crying." Crying his forehead bursts of pain, in this way his head is really going to be blown open.

Mu Xue is scolded by Xiao Qitian. The whole person stays there stupidly. He dare not move or say anything.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Judging from the palm print on muxue's face, it's really a bit heavy to resist the wind.

Mu Xue's eyes flickered slightly, thinking that Xiao Qitian didn't know anything, so she added a lot of bad things about Ning Mengyao.

"Mengyao is not such a person." Xiao Qitian frowned at Mu Xue and said impatiently.

"Do you believe her that way?" Mu Xue can't believe looking at Xiao Qitian. He would rather believe other women than her. She is his wife.

Xiao Qitian looks up at Mu Xue with a shocked expression, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's said that their children are wild. If they don't beat you, who can they beat? You should be glad that Tianchang is not here, or you will not be able to get it done with two slaps. " Qiao Tianchang is different from Yufeng. Qiao Tianchang, who loves his wife to the bone, is not crazy if he knows that his wife is scolded like this.

Whoever you are, do the same.

"You know?" Mu Xue looks at Xiao Qi's world consciousness and asks.

Didn't he have a rest before? How do you know these things? Is that what Ning Mengyao said? No, they haven't come back since they left.

"Don't think about it. I heard it."