Now Mu Xue is really afraid of seeing Xiao Qitian's cold eyes and alienated appearance, so when someone says that she can help her get the favor again, she is moved, no matter what the purpose of this person is, how can she find herself.

The man hears Mu Xue's words, the corner of the mouth raised the smile of playfulness, obviously such answer he had already guessed.

Take out a bottle from the bosom, the man's expression says earnestly: "in fact, don't need so much trouble, just feed it to him through this, then it will be OK."

Muxue frowns slightly and looks down at the bottle in front of her.

"Does it really work?" Mu Xue asked incredulously, can such things really help her get what she wants? How can she not look like it.

"Believe or not, it's your own business. If you believe it, you can try it. If you don't believe it, you can throw it away." The man said casually, as if he didn't worry at all. Muxue would really throw the bottle away.

Mu Xue clenched the things in her hand and flashed a decisive expression.

"I know what to do." Mu Xue said decidedly, biting her teeth.

The man couldn't help laughing. There was pride in the laughter. In that way, a strange thought rose in Mu Xue's heart, but she soon oppressed her again.

"Remember what you promised me, make a good relationship with them, and then help me find the place where tongbaozhai is." The man looked at Mu Xue and said seriously, "you know I can help you get the favor, and also can beat you back to the original."

At first, Mu Xue didn't care much about what he said, but now when she hears him say that she needs to be beaten back to her original shape, the whole person will be stupid immediately, with an alert expression on his face.

"I know what to do." The snow said in a cold voice.

"Good, then I'll wait for your good news." Finish saying and jump, people have disappeared.

Looking at the man who has lost his trace, if she didn't have another porcelain vase in her hand, she would think that she was hallucinating.

Looked around, found no one, Mu snow greatly relieved, quickly left this place.

What she didn't know was where a black figure appeared after she left, and the pair of black eyes looked at the direction of her departure.

If the eyes can kill, then she may have died thousands of times.

When Mu Xue returned to the room, the room was completely new. I couldn't see it. It was a mess just now.

Drive out the servant girl in the room, Mu Xue spreads out her palm, looks at the porcelain vase in her hand, thinks of what the man said, and flashes a decisive light in her eyes.

Such things, if known by them, will only bring endless troubles to themselves.

Especially Xiao Qitian's, so she must keep it secret and not be known to others.

In the next few days, it seems that nothing happened to Mu Xue, but the whole person has changed a lot. If it wasn't for her crazy smashing, the housekeeper would think it was his illusion.

In the palace, Xiao Qitian has been the most relaxed in recent months. The gap between Qiao Tianchang and Xiao Qifeng has disappeared. Although he doesn't know why, he can still feel that their feelings have returned to the past.

And he also got a lot of experience with children from Ning Mengyao, which is also precious to him.

This talk Xiao Qitian is sitting in the imperial garden talking to several people of Ning Mengyao, and then the news of Mu Xue comes from outside.

On hearing this, Xiao Qitian's face changed. Just now, there was a little smile on his face. At this time, he was completely gloomy and looked at the gorgeous clothes with cold eyes. He came to bathe the snow in this direction.

"Qitian, when will you go home?" At the sight of Xiao Qitian, Mu Xue naturally sat in the past, but she didn't know it was intentional or unintentional. She directly ignored Ning Mengyao and others, which was like seeing Xiao Qitian in the eyes of so many people.