Mu Xue is relieved to see Xiao Qi in front of her. As long as she can get along with him alone, she will find a chance to do it.

Ning Mengyao looks at the figure of the two people leaving, turns his head to look at the Yufeng on the side: "brother in law, do you think it's strange to bathe in snow?"

"It's a little strange. Let's go over and see what's going on." Said Yu Feng with a frown.

Xiaoqitian takes muxue to a deserted corner and turns to look at muxue.

"What do you want to say?" Xiao Qitian looked at Mu Xue indifferently as if he was not his wife but a stranger.

Mu Xue lowered her eyes and flashed obvious cruelty in her eyes. Since he has done so, don't blame her for being rude.

However, what Mu Xue didn't notice was that when she lowered her head, Xiao Qitian looked at her with complicated eyes, which were not complicated before, but sad.

Mu Xue suddenly looks up at Xiao Qitian, with serious eyes.

"Qi Tian, if I really changed back to my former self, would you still treat me as well?" Mu Xue looks into Xiao Qitian's eyes.


Muxue's face showed a good-looking smile. She fell into Xiao Qitian's arms and put her hand on his chest. She was very happy.

Suddenly Mu Xue looks up at Xiao Qitian. The smile on her face is sweet, just like when she was married. It makes Xiao Qitian's eyes daze for a while.

Mu Xue reaches for Xiao Qitian's neck and kisses him when he is in a trance.

That familiar feeling, let Xiao Qi reach out his hand to hug the waist of bathing snow, wait for two people's breath to be unsteady before they leave.

Mu Xue blushed, and looked at Xiao Qitian shyly.

"Qi Tian, I will wait for you to go back in the palace, no matter how long I will wait, but I really hope you can give me an almost. Although I have changed a lot to others, my heart has never changed to you." Mu Xue looks at Xiao Qitian and says firmly.

Xiao Qitian looks at Mu Xue's dark complexion and nods.

"I see."

"I'll go first, Qitian." Mu Xue is like a child who gets a new toy. She laughs and leaves happily.

What she didn't see, however, was that after she left, Xiao Qitian put his hand to his mouth and then spit out something, which was a milky white pill.

He sadly watched Mu Xue leave the figure.

He also thought that Mu Xue would not do that to him or to him, but he didn't think of it.

Looking down at the pill in the palm of his hand, he had a self mocking smile on his face.

Take a deep breath and return to the pavilion as if nothing had happened.

Ningmengyao and their faces are not good-looking when they see people coming back.

"What's the matter?"

Xiao Qitian opens his hand. There is a pill on it.

"This is..."

"She fed me." Xiao Qitian said very complicated.

"Let Grandpa black see what this is and if it's bad for you." Ning Mengyao said in a hurry.

"Good." Xiao Qitian thought so too. With the pill, the three went to find old black man together.

After the black old man was examined, his face changed a lot. He took Xiao Qitian's hand and began to feel his pulse.

As time went on, the black old man's face became gloomy.

"Who gave you this medicine?" Asked the old black man, suppressing his anger.

"Bathe in snow." Xiao Qitian said difficultly.

The black old man's face is ugly. His brow is wrinkled and he can kill a fly.

"What kind of medicine is this, Grandpa black?"

"A kind of medicine that can bewitch people's minds, but it's only at first, and in the end he will go mad." Of course, there are some things he hasn't said yet, because he can't tell Xiao Qitian yet.

Xiao Qitian's face changed and his eyes were unbelievable.

"No wonder she said that waiting for me to go back in the palace, she already knew it." Xiao Qitian laughed at himself. The smile on his face was so sad, which made ningmengyao feel sad.

"Although you spit out the medicine, it's still threatening you. I'll prepare the antidote for you. Yao'er, you'll call Tianchang and the emperor boy." Said the black old man seriously.