Why can he understand what these words mean when they are separated and when they are combined, he can't understand anything?

What do you mean his poison is incurable? His time is less than three months.

Looking at Xiao Qifeng, Xiao Qitian has only one idea in his eyes, that is to let him make it clear to himself.

"Qitian, I......" Xiao Qifeng hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't say it.

Now Xiao Qitian's mood is not quite right. He is afraid that he will not be able to bear it.

"What does Tianchang mean by that?" See Xiao Qifeng do not want to open up, Xiao Qitian turned to look at Qiao Tianchang, with almost imploring tone to Qiao Tianchang said.

Qiao Tianchang sighed and looked at Xiao Qifeng.

"Did you tell him yourself, or did I?"

"Let me talk." Xiao Qifeng closed his eyes slightly, then opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Qitian.

"I found something wrong with my body a year ago. At that time, the poison had gone deep into my bone marrow. I could only suppress it, not detoxify it." Xiao Qifeng calmly told Xiao Qitian what he had done in these times and what he was poisoned and his body had reached its limit.

Xiao Qitian can't believe his eyes widened. No wonder Tianchang will come back. He must have known his brother's body before he came back.

"You all know?"

"We just knew that before long."

Xiao Qitian's face was like crying and laughing, which made Xiao Qifeng worried.

"How are you, Qitian?" Seeing that Xiao Qifeng's mood was not right, Xiao Qifeng hurriedly walked over.

However, as soon as Xiao Qifeng's hand touched Xiao Qitian's, he threw it away.

"Xiao Qifeng, why are you hiding this from me? Am I still a kid? Need your protection? " Xiao Qitian hated him so much that he didn't tell him everything and hated himself. He didn't find out what was wrong with him.

"You went to the palace because you knew your body had reached its limit, didn't you?" Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng and asked angrily.

Xiao Qifeng was silent for a moment, then nodded.

At that time, the doctor told him that after less than half a year, he would like to see Xiao Qitian, hoping to return to the past with him. But at that time, Xiao Qitian was so resolute that he could only turn around and leave.

Xiao Qitian looks at Xiao Qifeng fiercely. The haze in his eyes scares them all.

When all the people didn't respond, Xiao Qitian went to Xiao Qifeng's side like crazy and punched him in the stomach, then hit him in the face.

When Qiao Tianchang saw Xiao Qitian like this, he hurriedly followed Yu Feng to pull people apart.

"Qitian, calm down."

"Calm down? How can you calm me down? Why did he do this to me? Why didn't he tell me anything? " Xiao Qi is naive and can't accept it. When he lives a leisurely life in the palace, he is suffering from illness, and at the same time he has to deal with those behind the scenes.

Is he that bad? Let him protect it like this.

"He wanted to protect you."

"He wants to protect me? But did he ever think that I wanted to protect him? He's my brother. He's my brother since I was a child. " Now the relationship between the two had just eased, but they told him that his brother was going to die.

It's no wonder that he woke up feeling like he was a lot thinner because of this.

"Qitian, I'm ok."

"All right? What do you mean nothing? Do you have to die to do something? " Xiao Qitian exploded completely.

It has to be said that Xiao Qitian and Qiao Tianchang have the same idea. They are very angry at Xiao Qifeng's behavior, but they have no choice.

"Qi Tian has a lot to tell you later." Xiao Qifeng can only say dry.

He really didn't know his brother. It was a little scary to get angry.

Xiao Qitian took a deep breath and suppressed the anger.

"If I had not been poisoned this time, would you not have told me these things?"