This time, we must clean up this continent and keep those people here, but they will not be at ease.

"Well, I'll contact other countries. As for others, please." Xiao Qifeng looked at them and said seriously.

Xiao Qitian squints at Xiao Qifeng. He forgets himself again. It's not a good feeling.

"What do you deal with? Now you have a good rest and leave it to me. " Xiao Qitian's discontented voice suddenly sounded, and the people looked at him and saw him uneasily.

"What are you looking at?"

Xiao Qifeng looks at Xiao Qitian, the expression on his face is strange.

"Qitian, you don't have to." Xiao Qifeng helplessly looks at Xiao Qitian. If he can, he doesn't want Xiao Qitian to touch these things.

Looking at this time, Xiao Qitian also subconsciously wants to protect his Xiao Qifeng. There is an indescribable feeling in his heart. Some are sour and astringent, some are uncomfortable and some are annoying.

"You were going to let me take over, weren't you? It's just ahead of time. " Xiao Qitian whispered, like telling Xiao Qifeng, like telling himself.

Xiao Qifeng opened his mouth, but couldn't find any reason to contradict.

"Since we have to take over sooner or later, it's better to be familiar with it earlier."

"In that case, I'll help you on the side."

Originally, what Xiao Qitian wanted to refuse was that he didn't really understand these things, so he nodded and agreed.

After they all discussed, Ning Mengyao thought of Mu Xue.

"Call Muchen here."

"It should be called." Yu Feng nodded in approval.

This time, muxue is bound to be tough. As muxue's brother, Muchen has the right to know. "Then I'll write back and let him come." Ningmengyao was worried. If she knew that muxue had even given her husband this kind of vicious medicine, what would be his expression.

Speaking of Muchen, Xiao Qitian suddenly thought of what happened before.

"Why did you treat them so well before brother?"

Xiao Qifeng's head is dark, but he tells Xiao Qitian his plan. After listening, Xiao Qitian looks at Xiao Qifeng in a daze.

"So, I'm totally looking for myself this time?" Xiao Qitian suddenly doesn't calm down. What's the matter?

Xiao Qifeng looked at him speechless, and at last he gave him a heavy knock on his head, his heart humming coldly.

Reaching out and touching his nose, Xiao Qitian was embarrassed. All the sad things happened to him and almost killed him.

After muxue returned to the palace from the Imperial Palace, she was very worried. She can be sure that your medicine Xiao Qitian has taken it, but there is a highly skilled doctor there. Will it be checked out? The more you think about it, the more you worry about it. In the end, you don't have a trace of joy, but you are trembling.

After waiting for several days, Xiao Qitian didn't come back, which made the anxiety in muxue's heart clearer.

Do they really know? But if they knew, they would not be so quiet. They should come to find their own troubles, right?

Think of here, the heart of Mu snow holds a trace of expectation again.

Three days later, Muchen and her family came to the capital again, but this time they went directly to the palace instead of the Qiwang mansion.

"Grandpa black, is what Yao Er wrote true?" After seeing several people, Muchen did not come to say hello, but looked at the old black man and asked.

"Yes, if it wasn't for Qi Tian to leave an eye and spit out the medicine, it would be troublesome." It took him a lot of time to win the prize. If he ate it all, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Muchen's last hope was dashed. Like Xiao Qitian, he didn't believe that Muchen would do such a thing, but the fact was in front of him, so he couldn't believe it.

"What about her?" Muchen's voice is a little silly, and his eyes are red.

"Back to the palace." Xiao Qitian said.

"I'll go there and have a look." Muchen took a deep breath, looked at them and said.

"Big brother......"