The alienation and indifference in this period of time just want Mu Xue to know what she has done wrong, but unexpectedly it will turn out like this in the end.

Just like when he saved them, what he thought was to atone for their sins, right?

With a sigh, Ning Mengyao leans on Qiao Tianchang's arms.

It's no use persuading people about such a thing. It's up to him to figure it out.

He can't think for himself. No matter how much they say, it's useless.

"Qi Tian, you know all these brothers." Xiao Qifeng walked over, put his hand around his shoulder, and comforted him softly,

however, Xiao Qifeng's eyes were cold, dare to make his brother so sad and sad, will he spare Mu Xue? Definitely not. He will make Mu Xue's life worse than death.

"Don't do it, brother." Xiao Qitian said in a hoarse voice.

"It's time for you to protect that woman." Xiao Qifeng frowned and looked at Xiao Qitian with disapproval.

Xiao Qitian let go, a pair of red eyes watching Xiao Qifeng.

"Elder brother, I want to do these things myself. Anyway, I want to know what she is for." His fault, not in their own body to find the reason, but in such a way, such a result let Xiao Qitian some laughter.

"Are you sure?"

"Well, I've figured it out." In any case, he must ask the matter clearly, even if the final result is not what he wants.

Xiao Qifeng helplessly looks at Xiao Qitian. For his brother, Xiao Qifeng really has nothing to do with him. What he thinks is that nine cows can't come back.

"In that case, go ahead, but be careful." Xiao Qifeng doesn't trust Xiao Qitian to go alone.

"Qitian, I'll go with you." Joe, who had not spoken, spoke in a cold voice.

In Qiao Tianchang's heart, Xiao Qitian is like his younger brother. Now his younger brother has been bullied, he naturally wants to find out.

"Tianchang doesn't need any more......"

"Don't refuse my help, Qitian. You know in your heart that the prince Qi's mansion is not safe now. You go alone and the injury is not good. How can you let us rest assured that you go alone?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qitian and can't refuse.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang's irresistible appearance, Xiao Qitian can only nod helplessly.

He knew that if he did not agree, they would not let him go alone.

Hearing Xiao Qitian say that, Qiao Tianchang is relieved at last.

Xiao Qifeng is also satisfied with the nod, one day Chang accompany, he will not worry.

"Then I'll go back first."


Xiao Qitian, accompanied by Qiao Tianchang, went back to the Lord Qi's mansion. The housekeepers were worried when they saw the Lord's pale face coming back.

"Is your injury still not good, Lord? How can I look so white? " The old housekeeper looked at Xiao Qitian like that and said anxiously.

"Don't worry, housekeeper. I'm fine. I'll be fine soon." Xiao Qitian smiled and shook his head. He was very respectful of the old man who was brought up with him.

"Then I'll rest assured."

"Where's the snow?" Xiao Qitian looked at the housekeeper and asked.

"In the snow garden."

Xiao Qitian nodded to show that he knew.

When he got married, he renamed his yard as the snow garden. Not only that, all the decorations in it were in accordance with the taste of bathing snow.

He thought it would be their home after that, but now he found out how ironic it was.

With Qiao Tianchang came to the snow garden, when I went in, I heard that Mu Xue was yelling at the servants.

Looking at her like that, Xiao Qitian's eyes flickered slightly.

"See the Lord." The servant girl in the room saw Xiao Qitian one step ahead of Mu Xue and knelt down to salute.

Mu Xue hears the sound and turns around to see Xiao Qitian standing at the door looking at him silently.

"Qitian, you Why are you here? " She didn't even think that Xiao Qitian would come back at this time, and just saw her like this.

Xiao Qitian takes a seat in the chair on one side and waves to let all the servant girls and women kneeling on the ground go out. Qiao Tianchang leans on the door frame and looks at the two inside with his hands around his chest.