Xiao Qitian looks at Xiao Qifeng and Qiao Tianchang. On their indifferent faces, they finally show a little smile.

"Elder brother, where is Xiao Qifeng? Did you find anyone? " Xiao Qitian looked at them and asked.

Xiao Qifeng and Qiao Tianchang look at each other. At last, they are silent.

Looking at them like this, Xiao Qitian's heart flashed an unknown premonition.

"What do you mean, brother?"

"I found it, but we went a little late. They had left when we arrived and were no longer here. But back to the west coast. " Qiao Tianchang frowned.

It turns out that on that day, after Xiao Luoyan was rescued, they were looking for someone because of his serious injury. Later, Xiao Teng took him and their people out of Xiao country quickly, and then left here to go back to the west coast.

When they catch up with each other, people just leave. It's the Kung Fu of front and back foot with them.

After hearing Qiao Tianchang's words, Xiao Qitian's face was very ugly. Qiao Tianchang walked over and looked at him.

"Qi Tian is sorry, this matter is our negligence." If they were earlier, they wouldn't let people run.

Xiao Qitian shakes his head. He knows that Qiao Tianchang and they have tried their best, but they can't kill Xiao Luoyan. He always has a thorn in his heart. He doesn't get rid of unhappiness.

"What's your expression? When your business here is over, we will leave for the west coast. As long as we are there, are you worried about revenge? Don't worry, we'll send you back. " Looking at Xiao Qitian's face, Ning Mengyao can't help but give him a white look. People are gone. Isn't there any more of them?

"You're leaving?" Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao and asks something unbelievable.

What's wrong with this place? Why are they leaving here?

Ningmengyao nodded, this is a good thing they have decided, it will not change.

"Why? Isn't it good here? "

"It's not that it's bad, but this time the tongbaozhai movement is a little big. If we continue to stay. You should understand what will happen. " Xiao Qitian is not a fool. She doesn't need to make these words so clear.

Xiao Qitian is silent. Indeed, if they continue to stay, it will be the vigilance of many people waiting for them, and they may even be attacked. It is the best for them to leave.

"We don't have to go and never come back. Maybe we will come back after a few years of these things have faded." There are so many memories of them here. How can I leave like this and never come back.

"You know that too, don't you?" Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng who didn't have any accidents.

"I guessed that if it was me, I would leave at this time, but it's not to say what I'm afraid of. It's just that at this time, I should avoid the sharp edge. If I want to come back and wait for a few years, these things will be light. At that time, no one will be as alert as they are now, but only if tongbaozhai doesn't expand its scale," Xiao Qifeng glanced at Ning Mengyao, Said he.

"He's right. Now tongbaozhai is large enough, and from now on, tongbaozhai will be semi reclusive." Ning Mengyao nods and agrees with Xiao Qifeng.

Xiao Qitian wants to persuade them not to leave, but this is the best way for them. He can't bring them danger for his own reasons.

"What about the woods?" Ning Mengyao suddenly thought of the man and asked.

The smile on Xiao Qifeng's face disappeared for a moment, instead of sadness.

"He's gone, to save me." In other people's eyes, he killed Lin Ziyou, but only they knew that Lin Ziyou was to save him and died in the hands of those people, and he could not even bury him, so he could only look at him and see that his bones were gone.

Even though he was dying, he couldn't bear the pain. He didn't let himself move, so he pressed on him and held his hand tightly.