"Tianchang, why are you here?" Didn't Qingxuan send them here? Why is this man here in person?

"I'll see what I can do for you." Said Jo in a cold voice.

All the generals were excited when they saw Qiao Tianchang.

A lot of them knelt down to salute Joe Tianchang.

"See the general."

"Get up." Qiao Tianchang's prestige in the army is just like Xiao Qifeng's in the country of Xiao. No one can replace him.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at everyone and slowly opened the box in his hand.

"I just heard that Li Taifu wanted to run into the hall and die? Don't worry. After seeing these, you are colliding. Oh, by the way, you can take your nine clans with you. " Qiao Tianchang said lightly, as if he was not talking about human life but the weather today.

As soon as Li Taifu's face changed, he looked at Qiao Tianchang with some uncertainty. What did he mean? What does he know?

But thinking of what they have done is very secret. It is impossible for anyone to find out.

"I don't know what you mean, general Joe."

"Don't know? It's very simple. You'll know after reading this. " Qiao Tianchang took out a bunch of pamphlets and asked Huang Qi to send them to the ministers present. Of course, Li Taifu also had one in his hand.

After they saw it, they were shocked. They couldn't believe looking at Li Taifu. How could he do such a thing? This... I can't believe it.

Different from their expressions, there are also those who, depending on their own age, constantly scold Xiao Qitian. Now, like Li Taifu, they are trembling and their bodies are like chaff.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Li Taifu. He can't even stand stably at this time.

"What? Is there anything else Li Taifu can say? Who gives you courage to help others murder the emperor? "

"Don't be bloody here, Joe." Said Li Taifu angrily.

"Bloody? If you don't believe it, look at these things. " Say to take out a few letters.

"Want to know what this is? Oh, you may not know. This is the letter that those of you contacted. " The letter in his hand was handed over to Huang Qi, who distributed it.

"It's Taifu's handwriting." The people on the edge burst the pot.

If they doubted just now, how can they believe it now.

Li Taifu is a calligrapher. It's hard for ordinary people to imitate the words he wrote. They don't think Qiao Tianchang can do it as a general.

Li Taifu couldn't believe looking at the letters in his hand and couldn't understand how they found them.

"No, it's not true." By this time, Li Taifu was not willing to believe that it was true.

Xiao Qitian looks at Li Taifu who faints, his face is full of satire.

"Come here, put Li Taifu in custody for trial. All the three families of Li family are in custody. The three families are in exile accidentally." Xiao Qitian almost saw it, and immediately opened his mouth.

At this time, no one dared to plead with the Li family. Those old ministers are too busy to worry about themselves and even worry about their own involvement.

Where dare you help the Li Taifu family to talk? It's not that you live too long.

Xiao Qitian went to the high platform, and his eyes fell on the old ministers. He took out a stack of brochures from the box and read one.

"Oh, is this from Mr. Lin's family? Take it to yourself. " Then he threw out all the pamphlets in his hand.

The ministers looked at the pamphlet at their feet and bent down to pick it up one after another. It's almost the same as before. It's all what the Lin family has done in recent years.

Then there are other old ministers.

"After doing so many big things, I don't know where you are coming from, but I still give directions to my royal family. Even if you don't hide it, you will run to us and shout. Don't you think we dare not take you? You're out of business?" Xiao Qi was not angry at all, but said with a smile.

For Lord Lin, they would rather see Xiao Qitian angry now than his smiling face.