Xiao Qitian suppressed the fire and looked at it one by one. The strength of throwing the memorial became heavier and heavier. Qiao Tianchang heard the sound and didn't intend to continue to watch it.

"What are you doing?"

"Tianchang, what's all this?" Xiao Qitian hands the basic memorial to Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang took a look and smiled sarcastically.

"These are all Li Taifu's students. It's natural that they want to help him. However, when they write these trivial things, it means that they have no ability to deal with them well. In this case, it's natural for us to change people? It's just that we have a lot of people waiting for seats. " Qiao Tianchang threw the memorial in his hand on the table, with a sarcastic face.

Xiao Qitian's eyes brightened, right? Why didn't he think of it?

"That's it."

"There's another thing I need to make clear to you. From today on, if half of the words in the memorial are nonsense, you can go back and learn how to write the memorial again." Xiao Qitian's eyes fell on those people who wrote the memorials.

These people pay attention to the text, as for the content, they don't care at all.

It's a waste of other people's time for them to give you a whole lot of things that can be said clearly in two words.

"My lord I'm afraid that's not right? "

"Not right? Lord Lu, your memorial is still in the hands of Ben Wang. Now let's listen to what you have written. " They said it and read it again. After listening to it, many people couldn't help laughing. However, due to the occasion, they didn't dare to laugh too obviously. Their shoulders kept shaking.

"In a word, how much did you write to Ben Wang? For three full pages, I don't have so much time to see you nonsense. Again, let me see such a memorial in the future. All of them will be back to me and learn to come again. Don't let me help myself. " Xiao Qi said in a cold voice.

Mr. Lu's face was in front of so many people, and his face was very ugly. But the current situation is not good for him. If you really want to say something, then he will be in great trouble.

After the next Dynasty, Xiao Qitian returned to the imperial study and began the painful days of memorial.

Fortunately, his words are still useful. On the next day, those memorials are not so There's a lot of nonsense.

After rectifying the hall, Xiao Qitian's eyes were all on the school and medicine hall that tongbaozhai was building, and finally he took out a lot of money from the Treasury to help.

Things are gradually on the right track. Although Xiao Qitian is very busy now, he still takes time out to play with his children every day.