Qiao Tianchang looked at his son's appearance of protecting the calf, and pinched his fleshy face to punish him.

"You little thing, you are not big, and your heart and eyes are not small. I can still scold you for that?" Qiao Tianchang looks at the wood carvings in Qiao moshang's hands.

To be honest, his appearance is not so good, only two people can be seen vaguely, but his age is good.

"Mom and dad bully me. He pinches my face. What if he pinches my face like a bun? It won't look good then. " Qiao Mo Shang looks at his mother wrongly.

Ningmengyao reaches out and pinches it. It feels surprisingly good, but Qiao moshang looks at her foolishly.

I don't understand. I'm obviously complaining. How can I still be pinched by my mother?

Daimeng Daimeng looks at Ning Mengyao for a while, and Qiao moshang whoops, turns around and falls into Qiao Moshan's arms.

"My brother, father and mother all pinched my face. Will you show me if you have pinched it into a bun?" Qiao Mo Shang looks up at Qiao Mo Feng nervously. He looks worried. Qiao Mo Feng can't help it. He smiles.


"No, it's still so handsome."

"Well, if it's made into a bun, it's just right. Put it on the steamer, and you can eat it when it's steamed." Qiao Tianchang shook his head regretfully, as if he was very sorry for not being able to stutter Qiao moshang.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao tianchangkeng's son with a smile that never falls.

And Joe Mo Shang is Leng Leng's looking at his father.

"My father is bad. He doesn't like me." Joe Mo's sad flat mouth, a face of grievance.

When Qiao Tianchang saw that he was making people laugh, he went over and reached out to pick them up and throw them up.

This is the favorite game of Qiao moshang in tongbaozhai. When she watches it from the side, Ning Mengyao feels frightened and afraid that her son will be thrown to the ground.

"Be careful, Tianchang." Ning Mengyao listened to her son's giggling voice and couldn't help but say.

"Don't worry. He's a little heavier. It's OK." Joe Tianchang's head didn't return.

But after a few more throws, as expected does not move, only tightly hugs the child in the bosom.

"Does Shanger miss his father?"

"When are you going to ride with Shanger, dad? They won't take me without you. " Jomo Shang took the opportunity to file a complaint.

In fact, it's not that the people in tongbaozhai don't want to take him, but they don't want to come down if they don't play with him enough. They can't get red and swollen on both sides of their thighs every time.

After a few more times, they learned to be obedient. No matter what Jomo Shang said, they just didn't agree to let him ride.

He reached out his hand and pinched his son's fleshy little ass. could he not know what happened to his son?

"Are you naughty again?"

"Not really." Qiao moshang hurriedly shakes his head. Can he say that he is naughty in front of his father? Of course not. That's to say, his wish to ride a horse will be ruined.

"You, you're still young. You can't ride for a long time. You'll be too sick. When you're as old as your brother, how about Dad give you that horse?" Joe Tianchang follows his son to discuss.

Jomo Shang's eyes brightened, Dad's horse? It's super cool. He likes it very much, but he can't ride it without dad.

"Seriously?" Jomo Shang's eyes are burning at Qiao Tianchang.

"It's not my father's horse, it's another one. It's more handsome and more powerful than my father's. my father and my mother spent a lot of time to find it for you." Those are all sweat BMW, especially the one for Jomo Shang, which is the best one in the middle. Of course, the others are not too bad.

Qiao moshang was not happy when he heard the horse that was not Qiao Tianchang, but when he heard Qiao Tianchang said that his horse was more powerful, he could not wait to see it.

"Then I'll listen to my father." Qiao moshang said quickly and cleverly.

Joe Tianchang shakes his head funny. The boy knows how to steer now.

Ning Mengyao can't help admiring his father and son's way of getting along.