Qingshuang looks at ningmengyao worried, and the expression on her face is also white. She never thought ningmengyao would be so dangerous to have a baby this time.

"My mother-in-law can't go on like this. She has to find a way to correct the baby's position. The two are crowded together and can't come out anyway." Qingshuang said anxiously.

"That's the reason. You can wake up the young lady and let her eat, or she will not have the strength to have a baby when we get her position right." Mother Qin starts with Qingshuang and orders Qiao Tianchang at the same time. At this time, she can't care if Qiao Tianchang is her own master.

Qiao Tianchang quickly nods, squats and kneels beside the bed, reaches out to grasp Ning Mengyao's hand tightly, and whispers to him.

"Yaoyao our two children want to come out and see the world. Don't you want to see them? If you go on sleeping, I can only let Qingshuang and grandma Qin keep your life. As for the two children, I can only give up. Do you really want to do this? " Qiao Tianchang knows that Ning Mengyao loves the two children very much. If she can hear them, she will not give up the two children.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, he could see ningmengyao's eyelids moved a little, which made Qiao Tianchang very happy. Even mother-in-law Qin nodded and signaled him to continue.

"Yaoyao, my mother-in-law said that the baby's position was not right. They both wanted to come out first, but if you keep sleeping, you will not have the strength to give birth to them. In this case Then we don't want them. Do you agree? " Qiao Tianchang comes to ningmengyao's ear and almost whispers in her ear.

"Not good." In the coma, Ning Mengyao seems to have heard Qiao Tianchang's words, and her breath is weak.

"Then wake up, will you?"

Qiao Tianchang said a lot of things in the change of Ning Mengyao. At last, Ning Mengyao opened her eyes, but the eyes were half open. At first sight, she knew that she was exhausted.

Seeing that ningmengyao opened his eyes, Qiao Tianchang was happy for a while. He hurriedly took the green bamboo beside them and fed it to ningmengyao carefully.

"Yao Yao, how much do you have to eat, so that you can have strength."

Qingshuang looks at ningmengyao. When she sees someone wake up, she looks at her mother-in-law Qin. Both of them are relaxed.

"Miss, we're going to be in the right position now. Please bear it." They need to find a way to move one of the children back a little, so that the two children can come out safely.

Ning Mengyao nodded and endured the pains caused by the contractions, as well as the pains they suffered when they were in the first trimester. At the same time, she had to bite her teeth to feed the noodles to her mouth.

"Ah." After half a column of incense, Ning Mengyao suddenly screamed out, "my mother-in-law is in great pain."

"Miss, we've seen the child's head. Try your best and the child will come out soon." Mother-in-law Qin quickly opened her mouth.

One of the children's heads has come out. With just a little effort, the child can be born.

Hearing mother-in-law Qin's words, Ning Mengyao seemed to find the backbone of her heart. She tried hard, and then came the cry of her child.

"It's a boy, miss and one more. Come on." Mother-in-law Qin handed the children to the green bamboo on the side and asked them to clean the children.

Then Ning Mengyao, encouraged by Qiao Tianchang, persevered and left a baby girl, but the baby girl was much smaller than the boy.

However, Qiao Tianchang does not have that idea to see the two children now. His eyes always fall on Ning Mengyao.

"How is the Qingshuang Yaoyao?"

"Don't worry, sir. The young lady is just out of her strength. She will be fine after a rest." Qingshuang checks ningmengyao and says with a smile.

Qiao Tianchang was relieved as soon as he heard it. As long as people are OK, it's OK.

"One is the young master and the other is the young lady. I was really told by the second young master." Looking at the two children wrapped in the quilt, Qingzhu said pleasantly.

Qiao Tianchang is sure that ningmengyao has nothing to do with it, so he has time to see his children.

Seeing the two children, Joe Tianchang's heart was soft.