Seeing Feng Xiao's murderous face, Qiao Tianchang quickly opened his mouth and said that he was really worried that this man would kill people directly, so it would not be fun.

Feng Xiao was stunned, then nodded to show that he knew.

Even if Joe Tianchang doesn't say it, he won't let it be too simple.

Although the body function of WeiLuo can't keep up with her, her martial arts are not on display. When fengxiao attacks, she has dodged away. But how can she be fengxiao's opponent?

After more than ten moves, he was defeated in fengxiao's hands before falling. Finally, fengxiao took off his arms and legs, even his chin.

Carrying the dead fish, Feng Xiao goes out, and Qiao Tianchang, the man outside, has solved the problem. They look at each other with a smile and jump forward to the palace.

The assassin's palace was also a mess. Fortunately, Yufeng had known this situation for a long time, so they let people bring four children into the secret chamber of Xiao Qitian's palace.

Ningmengyao, who had no worries, stood in front of the group with snow falling sword and white clothes floating.

This is the scene when dark came back with Qiao mofeng.

"Miss Ning, this is our young master." Dark flashed to Ning Mengyao's side and said.

When Ning Mengyao saw Qiao Mo Feng in dark hands, the whole person almost burst out.

"What the hell is going on? Why is feng'er so hurt? " The lips are black, and there is no good place on the face. It can be seen that it was hurt by sharp tools. It seems that the wound was simply treated.

"Here comes the green frost." Did not wait for dark to have the opportunity to answer, Ning Mengyao has already begun to shout.

Qingshuang came to see Qiao mofeng, who was also scared.

"Qingshuang, I've given maple to you. I'm going to let Maple recover as before. Can I do it?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qingshuang and asks seriously.

"Young lady, don't look down on me. Besides, there's a master around. We can work together. Even if you want to leave a scar on your face, it's impossible." Qingshuang said confidently.

"Very well, feng'er has signs of poisoning. Take him to find grandpa Hei. Here we are." Ningmengyao quickly ordered, looking at the chaotic scene not far away, the black in her eyes became more and more rich.

Do you really treat them as bullies? Dare to hurt her son like this.

Dark in ningmengyao such momentum, subconsciously back a step, after that, dark face with a little bit of embarrassment.

As the dark guard of fengxiao, he had such a step back in front of fengxiao. When did he step back? It's a bit of a shame for him.

However, Miss Ning's momentum is not inferior to that of the master. Should he say that she is their young master's adoptive mother?

No matter what is in her mind, Ning Mengyao has come to the front of the leader.

"Want to take my son? And hurt my son? If you want to die, Nanyu won't have to keep your hand. " Ning Mengyao said.

Hearing the command, Nanyu suddenly stood up. When the people in the opposite side were puzzled, suddenly a dark area came from afar.

When the leader saw the group, his face changed.


"A little bit of insight, even dare to calculate my wife, you should make the consciousness of death." Ning Mengyao snorted coldly and started at the same time.

Those insects will make these people want to escape, and this time is Ning Mengyao's best chance.

As expected, as Ning Mengyao thought, when the insect flies near, the leader has ordered to retreat, but will Ning Mengyao let them get what they want? Of course, it's impossible.

With the snow falling sword, the man has come to the man's face: "come if you want, and leave if you want, when I am in the palace of Xiaoguo, is it a vegetable market?"

"Everyone is ordered to kill without pardon." Xiao Qitian also gives orders to his people.

Under the attack of many parties, there were less than five people left in the dozens of people. There were ten people at first, but they took poison and killed themselves. Only a few left.

Ning Mengyao pinched the chin of the man in front of her and smiled coldly.

"Hurt my son a hundred times."