Looking at his son's obvious change of topic, even if he knew Ning Mengyao, he pretended that he didn't know anything. He smiled and watched Qiao moshang lingering there.

Originally just saw not fall that kind of Qiao Mo Feng in the heart mood is still some low, can be so disturbed by Qiao Mo Shang, the mood in the heart has long been gone.

Reach out to hold Qiao Mo Shang into his arms, Qiao Mo Feng pinched his nose.

"Is it mischievous again?" Joe mofeng reached out and rubbed his brother's small head. The expression on his face was so determined.

Jomo Shang immediately frowned to see Jomo Feng.

"No, sugar. She's sleeping again. She doesn't play with me." Jomo Shang is very aggrieved to say.

He reached out his hand and nodded lightly on Qiao moshang's forehead. Qiao Moshan was very funny and said: "you, sugar and sugar are still small. He can only wake up when he is as old as Xiaomu, and then he can play with you."

Now Xiao Mu has been five or six months. He doesn't have much time to sleep every day. Xiao Qitian always keeps his children around and deals with state affairs. He will stay in the bedroom unless he discusses major issues with the minister.

Since Xiao Qifeng wrote that letter, he has no news. Xiao Qitian always thinks that he is still alive. Maybe he has found something that can make him live.

With the help of Qiao Tianchang, the establishment of schools and medicine halls in various countries is very smooth. Some small countries didn't want to let them live in their countries, but because of the loud voice of the people, they could only let the schools established by tongbaozhai stand there.

Fortunately, tongbaozhai didn't interfere with those schools, which made the people in power completely relieved.

Time passed slowly, and after all the dust settled, Qiao Tianchang found Xiao Qitian.

"Tianchang, are you going?" After the medicine hall and so on were stabilized, Xiao Qitian knew that they must have left, and during this time, they were also cleaning up their own things.

"Well, it's time to leave. You and Xiaomu should take more care." Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qitian.

Now xiaoqitian is not the one who would be in a hurry to deal with things. Now xiaoqitian has become the emperor, and the means to deal with things have gradually emerged.

Qiao Tianchang saw for a while, and found that Xiao Qi Tian had been able to deal with the things here by himself, as well as Lei An and Chen Feng.

"But Tianchang you..."

"Qi Tian has already said that, and your revenge, Ziyou's revenge, I have to go to repay, I can't let Ziyou die so miserable, not even a whole body." When it comes to Lin Ziyou, Qiao Tianchang's eyes are full of fury. He has to go there to avoid this incident or to revenge.

Xiao Qitian's movements were stiff for a while, and then he laughed. Yes, their revenge has not been avenged.

Those people are really fast. When they are going to pay in full, they seem to disappear. No matter how they find them, they can't find them.

"In that case, I can't say anything, but Tianchang will you come back?" Xiao Qitian looked at Qiao Tianchang and asked earnestly.

"Here are our friends. Why don't we come back?" Maybe they will come back after a few years there, or it will take a long time. However, they will come back after all.

Not only he can't bear this place, but also Yao Yao, because it bears a lot of their memories, good or bad.

"Then I'll be relieved. Let's..."

"Father, mu'er is hungry." When Xiao Qitian wanted to say something more, Xiao Mu, who was over one year old, came in with the company of palace people and pushed the door with short legs.

"Good day, uncle Chang." Xiao Mu comes in and sees Qiao Tianchang. He says hello politely first, then runs to Xiao Qitian's side and hugs his thigh.