This year, he was numb to see all kinds of their love. Sometimes he wished he could find a woman here to play with as his own child.

"Not me, too?" Xiao Qitian gave Mo Lin a funny look.

"You have a son." Molin looks at Xiao Qitian, who is a demon of dazzle son. He takes it everywhere every day for fear that others will abduct his son.

Xiao Qitian wanted to comfort Mo Lin, who knew that he was despised by others.

"A good heart is a good heart."

"I'm back."

Not far away came the voice of Jomo Feng. Hearing this voice, not only Jomo Shang, but also Tangtang and Doudou ran over with their short legs.

Qiao Mo Feng looks at Qiao Mo Shang, who is running in front of him, and the sugar bean who is walking awkwardly, and catches them in a hurry.

"What are you two little things running with your second brother?"

"Big brother." Sugar eyes looked at Joe mofeng, she wanted to eat chestnuts.

Qiao Moshan took out several chestnuts in his hand, gave them to Qiao Moshan and a few small ones beside him. Then he sat down with sugar and beans and began to peel chestnuts for them.

When Jomo Shangs eats, he doesn't forget to peel two of them and put them in his younger brother's and younger sister's mouth.

Yufeng looks at their delicious food. Even his son is happy to eat. He immediately takes one and puts it in his mouth.

"It's not delicious, either? Why do you little guys like it so much. " He asked with a frown.

This is far worse than all kinds of snacks and sweets made by Ning Mengyao. I don't know how these little things like it.

"Father peel." Yu Sheng holds chestnuts and stares at Yu Feng.

Yufeng is watched by his son's expression. His eyelids jump, and the appointed one takes the chestnut and peels it.

Ning Mengyao is preparing the ingredients for barbecue while watching Qiao moshang and some of them.

"Maple you look at them a little bit, don't let them eat too much, save later can't eat." Said Ning Mengyao.

"I know mother."

They peeled some more sugar, and Jomo Feng put it all away.

"Big brother." Doudou looks at Qiao mofeng and seems to ask why he wants to put it away.

"You and Doudou will have dinner later. You can't eat too much. I'll give it to you after dinner."

"All right."

As for Jomo Shang, Jomo Feng doesn't care about it at all. Although Jomo Shang is small now, he exercises a lot every day, so he's hungry faster, so he won't control his diet in ordinary days.

However, in order to accompany his brother and sister, Jomo Shang ate a few more, and then put away his own.

"The second brother is the best." Get the chestnut that Joe moshang gave, sugar eyebrow eye curved mouth says.

After saying that, holding the chestnuts in the palm of his hand, he ate them together with the beans on the side.

Qiao moshang is speechless looking at the two, this little girl.

"You little white eyed wolf, if you take it away and don't give me one, you will only give it to Doudou."

Doudou eats one, grins at Jomo Shang, and gives him one.

Qiaomoshang, who had been killed by the blast, was immediately laughed by his younger brother.

Their brother and sister's interaction every day is to resist the wind. They think it's the most interesting. Although Jomo Shang is a small adult when he is in front of others, he is a child when he comes to sugar and beans.

During the barbecue, Ning Mengyao gave the two children something to eat, and let them eat a bowl of porridge, so that they could play by themselves.

Everyone here knows that it may take a long time for them to meet after today, so everyone cherishes this opportunity very much.

Yang Lele sits beside Ning Mengyao and reaches for her hand, tears in her eyes.

"I can't bear you, Yao Yao." Although we separated before, we could meet again after a long time. But this time, it's different. We don't know when we can meet after the separation. If it wasn't for Lei An, she would still be here to guard Xiao kingdom. If it wasn't for her parents who couldn't leave here, she really wanted to leave together.