Ning Mengyao glared at his son: "they two go out to play, but they should not put their own guard away from their own secretly running out."

"My mother Doudou knows it's wrong." Doudou hurries to Ning Mengyao's side, grabbing her hand and shaking it.

And sugar? It is to run to Joe Tianchang's side, hands and feet and climb to his legs.

"Dad, sugar is wrong, don't be angry, OK?" Sugar put his arm around Joe Tianchang's neck and said pitifully.

He reached out and held his daughter in his arms. Joe Tianchang was helpless, but he was still adamant. He knew how worried they were when they didn't see the child when they came back.

"I don't have a father. Do you two know how worried parents are about sneaking out today?" Joe Tianchang stared at his daughter, his voice stained with thin anger.


"It's no use calling you father. From today on, you'll be banned for one month. From tomorrow on, Tangtang will learn embroidery from green bamboo for one hour every day. Doudou will learn calligraphy and painting from your uncle Yufeng for one hour every day. In addition, you'll have to work together when the two brothers are practicing martial arts. This time, you're not allowed to ask anyone for mercy, or the punishment will be doubled." Ning Mengyao looked at the two children and said angrily.

These two children are really spoiled by the family.

They don't want to practice martial arts. With the persuasion of others, she has opened her eyes and closed her eyes. But this time, nothing can let them go on so willfully.

Martial arts practice is already known by the two children, but embroidery and calligraphy and painting, the two suddenly howled.


"To be pitiful again, one hour becomes two." Ning Mengyao looked at them coldly and said coldly.

They shrink their necks and dare not challenge their mother's majesty any more. As expected, the mother is the most terrible, and no one else can match them.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and poked at the two children's heads.

"You two are not honest this time."


"Be obedient, or your mother will be angry." Qiao Tianchang looked at the two helplessly and said.

For these two children, he admits that they are spoiled. Shanger began to practice martial arts when he was more than one year old. Now they are more than five years old, but they don't have many contacts. It's also a good choice to let them practice martial arts well at this opportunity.

"We know." They nodded hurriedly, afraid to say anything.

Qiao Tianchang looks at their clever appearance and shakes his head helplessly.

"I really don't know what to do with you two. Your mother is so strict with you this time because you are a little too strict. It's OK to go out and play. How can you not take people with you? Don't think your second brother didn't say anything, we don't know anything. What if it wasn't for your second brother to go in time? " In Qiao moshang's side, there is a bodyguard who follows him secretly. They all know what happened. Otherwise, Ning Mengyao would not be so angry.

Ning Mengyao stares at the two careless children. At the beginning, the little monkey was not so naughty. How could he get to them? He became lawless.

"If you can have as good martial arts as your second brother, we won't worry if you want to go out and play. You two said that you can escape faster than anyone." Ning Mengyao hates iron but not steel and stares at the two children.

Yufeng and they stood by and watched. This time, they didn't really interfere in this matter. They also thought that the two little guys were a little too much. They should teach them a good lesson and save the lawlessness.

"You two are young. What you have to do now is to enrich your skills. We understand that you don't like martial arts. But no one likes it. Isn't your brother Yusheng also disliked it? But he still has to practice martial arts with your second brother and eldest brother every day. Why is that? In order to improve our self-protection ability, each of us can't follow you all the time to protect you, so we can only work hard on you. Your mother is right this time, so don't try to find an excuse to run away when practicing martial arts in the future. "

"Uncle, we know." Tangtang and Doudou look at each other. They poke their fingers. Some of them nod their heads wrongly.