How can they taste something so good?

"What have you done?" When Ning Mengyao saw his bad intention, he knew that he must have done something harmful.

"In fact, it's nothing. The poison they gave me was used on the right arm of those two people. Isn't that woman the best in the world in her ability of making poison? I'll see if she can get rid of the poison. " Feng Xiao said with a sneer.

Ningmengyao looks at fengxiao speechless and knows that this guy is not a good thing. Can Qingshuang use their poison casually? That's for the dead, okay? But it doesn't seem to have much to do with them, so Ning Mengyao doesn't care.

"Are you sure they don't jump the wall?" Ningmengyao looks at fengxiao and asks curiously.

"Haha, Mengyao, you look at those two people too high." Feng Xiao laughs.

Although those people are right-handed and important to them, they are all selfish people and can't really do anything for those two people.

"We'll see what they'll do." Ning Mengyao shrugged and said casually.

Feng Xiao nodded casually and didn't care about it at all.

At this time, the Phoenix family, its head mother looked at the miserable people with a gloomy face, which was terrible.

She thinks that she has first-class skills in making and detoxifying poisons, but she knows how to detoxify the poisons among these people, but she can't.

"How is Madame?" Feng's head looked at his wife and frowned.

Mrs. Feng shook her head helplessly, and there was no way for her.

"What does that mean?"

"I know what the poison is and how to solve it, but I can't solve it." Mrs. Feng said helplessly.

If she can, how can she let these people go wrong? It's not a good feeling to be able to do something but just watch.

"Can't understand? Why? " The Feng family leader is even more strange. Since he knows how to solve it, he can't.

"That wild species doesn't know where to get the poison. It's not just the poison, but also the insect. If I neutralize the poison, it will break out immediately. Then, even if I want them to live, there's no way." Mrs. Feng said helplessly.

Feng's head frowned at his subordinates, worried.

"Is that all?"

"Now I can only find a way to help them suppress it. As long as the poison is not solved, it will not attack." For Mrs. Feng, it's good as long as the poisonous insects don't attack.

Although the Feng family leader is still dissatisfied, he knows that Mrs. Feng has tried her best.

"I don't know what happened to that wild seed in that place. Seven insects and seven flowers not only solved it, but also brought back so many strange poisons." Mrs. Feng frowned, her eyes full of disgust.

The leader of the Feng family is very dissatisfied with the one wild species of Madam Feng, but he still needs to rely on this woman, so that the Feng family just turns a blind eye to this and pretends to hear nothing.

"Madam, their poison troubles you. Where hasn't Feng Xiao gone since he left the Feng family?" The Feng family leader thought, if we find Feng Xiao, can we get the antidote from him?

"It's not clear." Madam Feng shakes her head. She would like to die outside. How could she inquire about his news? However, Feng Xiao, who can take out so many poisons, is really poisoned?

Such an idea just flashed in her mind and was soon forgotten by Mrs. Feng. She was very confident about her own poison.

"I'll investigate it. Maybe fengxiao has an antidote in his hand." The Feng family leader thought and said.

Mrs. Feng's eyes narrowed slightly and her face was a little ugly, but she nodded.

After the leader of the Feng family left, Mrs. Feng sat on the chair beside her. She seemed to have not seen the pain of those people, which made the people on the ground very cold. What does Mrs. Feng mean? What she said to the owner just now is a lie?