"Lan Xin, you dare to pretend here." Lanting is a person who can't hold her breath. Compared with Mrs. LAN, she has lowered more than one grade. So when she saw the "pretending" look of Lanxin, she couldn't go on looking. She pointed at Lanxin and said angrily.

Ning Mengyao holds her chin and looks at LAN Ting, who is just like a shrew in the market. Looking at the edge, Lan Xin, who is sitting elegantly, can't help nodding.

"What's the matter with you coming here? Our husband and wife are entertaining guests. When you come, you will blame our guests. Does she do anything harmful? " Ning Mengyao looks at the blue family unexpectedly and says knowingly.

Qiao Tianchang thoughtfully helped Ning Mengyao to pour a cup of tea, and then he might have a look at LAN ting.

"Maybe she came with her parents to pay for it." Qiao Tianchang seems to say it unintentionally, but Ning Mengyao knows that she is intentional.

Ningmengyao looks at Lanting unexpectedly and looks at her up and down. She is still wearing that dress, but she hasn't changed it.

"Does this lady want to make compensation with us? The silver note is here. Should you take off your clothes and give it to me? " Ning Mengyao blinked and asked with a smile.

When the owner of the blue family heard this, he knew that it was about Lanting. Then he looked at Lanting's appearance, which was totally different from what his wife said. His eyes narrowed slightly.

"What's the matter? What's the compensation? LAN Ting, do you have anything else to say? " The owner of the blue family turned to look at the blue ting on the side and asked in a cold voice.

Lanting subconsciously looks at her mother, reaches for her arm, and her face is flustered.

"Lan Xin, what's going on?" The blue family leader saw LAN Ting like this, and did not continue to ask them, but looked at Lan Xin on one side and asked.

Just now, when he came back from the outside, he saw LAN Ting crying and saying something to his wife. He went to ask her. Then he knew that Lan Ting said that Lan Xin had done something shameful in front of many people. She helped to talk. Lan Xin scolded her and bullied her.

At the urging of Lanting and Mrs. LAN, he plans to come together to see what's going on. He didn't pay much attention just now. Now, when they come in, many people in the restaurant look at him with strange eyes, with some clarity.

Lan Xin looks at the owner of the blue family in embarrassment, and then looks at her blue lady with warning threat eyes. She shakes her head in fright.

"Ask the blue family leader, and ask your wife not to look at people with warning and threatening eyes. How do you make them talk?" Ningmengyao is not willing to be lonely.

"Shut up, you bitch."

"It's you who should shut up." The owner of the blue family said angrily, from the perspective of the dressing temperament of the couple, they are not ordinary people at all. As a bitch, Lanting really offends people. At that time, it won't be worth it: "Lanxin, you say."

Lanxin looks embarrassed with her head down. At last, under the urging of the owner of the blue family, she tells the owner of the blue family what happened in the restaurant.

After hearing this, the head of the blue family leader kept pumping and dancing. Today, I'm sorry for something wrong here. It's not Lan Xin, it's LAN ting. She's suing the villain first.

"Lan Xin, what are you talking about? How can ting'er do such a thing? " When Lanxin opened her mouth, Mrs. LAN felt bad. Now seeing the angry look of the owner of the blue family, she shouted angrily.

"Nonsense? Impossible to do? Many people in the tavern have seen this. If you don't believe it, you can ask. I don't understand who did these things. How can a legitimate young lady in a family look like this? On the contrary, she is kind and polite. " Ning Mengyao stands out and says she is helpless.

"Indeed, if this is my daughter, I can strangle her directly, something." Qiao Tianchang looks at Lanting coldly and says that she dislikes her.

"Father is bad." Sugar sugar heard Joe Tianchang's words and said with a flat mouth.

"What's wrong with dad? Can sugar be like this? Do you bully others

"No way."

"That Daddy didn't say you, how bad is it?"

Tangtang pokes his finger. At last Doudou and Jomo Shang coax each other for a while.