"Well, I thought you just took tens of millions of silver, but I didn't expect that the money you took to Xiao's family was thirty million gold. Li Juan is really good at dissolving you." The master Qi of the blue family kicked Mrs. blue, and finally gave her a few slaps.

When Li juanxing heard that the blue family leader said the word, the whole person was stupid. Only she knew the money. It was done very secretly. How could they investigate it.

The concubines beside heard the blue master's words, and suddenly they were dumbfounded. With so much money, their wife gave it directly to others. How generous she had to be to do such a thing.

LAN takes a look at Mrs. LAN and the owner of the blue family, and then takes out another thing.

After the owner of the blue family saw it, one of them couldn't help but spit out blood.

"Well, that's great. I've been helping people raise children for so long, and I'm still in the dark." Blue master's eyes are bloodshot and he looks at Mrs. blue and the blue Ting beside him.

The blue Ting of that vision frightens back to shrink.

It turns out that the owner of the blue family just looked at all the things of Mrs. blue. Before Li juanxiang married him, he had a relationship with Mrs. Xiao's brother and was pregnant. At that time, because Li rongjuan was not a high-ranking man, they even considered him and let him think that he had polluted Li juanxiang's innocence, so they married her.

That's what happened. These years, Li juanxing, a woman, actually had a relationship with that man and had a private meeting with that man while she was not at home.

Wu Shanshan frowns and looks at Mrs. LAN. She reaches out to support the owner of the blue family.

"Don't be angry, sir. It's important for your health."

"Come and ask for family law." With the help of Wu Shanshan, the owner of the blue family sat on the chair and looked at Mrs. blue with a gloomy face.

LAN Yi soon brought a cane with a baby's arm thick and thin. After getting the cane, LAN's master stood up and went to Li Juanxi's face, raised his hand and hit him heavily.

None of the concubines present pleaded for Li Juan's help. Hearing her painful scream, they even laughed happily.

On the roof, several liangshangjunzi look at the scene below. Ning Mengyao is even more amazing.

"I didn't expect the play to look so good." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Isn't it just good-looking? This blue lady used the money of others and gave them green hats. But she was really interested in the blue one in the blue master's hand. She even investigated these things so simply. She was also a rare talent.

Qiao Tianchang was also surprised by this. Unexpectedly, this woman did so many things.

"Yao Yao, do you think the owner of the blue family will really give this woman a rest?" After all, this woman's family background is a little strong, and Xiao's family is the backstage.

"If this woman didn't do anything, maybe nothing would happen, but now Lanting is not the daughter of the blue family leader, and Mrs. LAN has been giving private advice to others many times during the blue family leader's outing, which no man can stand." If he can bear it, Ning Mengyao can only say that this man is so powerful that he can endure it.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and didn't speak, but he agreed with Ning Mengyao very much. He was also a man. Of course, he could understand how serious his wife's cheating and betrayal were.

When Li's family arrived, they saw their daughter's body was full of whiplash marks. The blue master looked at her with red eyes.

"Son in law, what do you mean? How can we still hit people? " Li juanxing's mother looked at the blue master discontentedly and said angrily.

"What do you mean? Let's see for yourself, and ask me about your daughter's good deeds. " The owner of the blue family sneers and throws the things at hand to the Li couple.

After seeing it, the Li family and his wife had an accident. They were not surprised at all, which showed that they knew all the things Li Juan Rong did.

"Thirty million liang of gold, how are you going to return it?" The owner of the blue family looked at the two indifferent faces of the Li family and sneered.