The people on the edge look at Lanxin like idiots. Is this woman's brain OK? Can you understand Lanting? Does this mean you don't want to be bullied to death? So say something like this.

"Are you mentally ill? If you help such a woman, you will not be afraid to stink your reputation?" The people on the side whispered.

Lan Xin looks at them and frowns slightly.

"It has nothing to do with Lanting. After all, she is also a victim. She didn't do anything, but all the different eyes fell on her. It's not fair for her at all." Lanxin frowned.

LAN Ting, who was blocked behind by Lan Xin, looked at Lan Xin in front of her in astonishment. She didn't expect that Lan Xin would come to help her talk at this time.

She would like to tell Lanxin that she doesn't need to be hypocritical about this matter. She doesn't need her to ask about it, but she can't say anything like that.

Looking at the people who have been bullied by themselves, now they even defend themselves in front of so many people and speak for themselves. Lanting holds her heart warm, sour and astringent, which is very uncomfortable.

Those people are embarrassed. Lanxin is right. That's what Lanting's mother did. How much can she know as a child? The most she did was bully her sisters. They didn't do anything else. It seemed that they had gone too far.

So thinking, they did not continue to surround Lanting, but they left one after another.

"Are you ok?"

Looking at Lan Xin's sincere concern, LAN Ting's face is hot. She left me a sentence and ran away.

Lanxin is pushed back two steps, watching Lanting run away. She is worried about whether she will have an accident.

Ning Mengyao and they come to see LAN Ting who left, and then look at Lan Xin who had been pushed back several steps to stand firm.

"Just look and say she won't appreciate it."

"Anyway, we are sisters." Lan Xin looks at the direction LAN Ting left and smiles softly.

In Lanxin's heart, Lanting is a spoiled child.

LAN Ting goes all the way back to Li's house and locks herself in the room alone. In her mind, Lan Xin is just in front of her.

She has been bullying people all these years, and no one has ever stood in her way.

Those people don't hate themselves. How can they help her?

Thinking of this, Lanting put out her hand to cover her chest, banging and jumping. For the first time, she had a satisfied smile on her face, which was really a good feeling. She liked it very much.

Thinking of the many things she did before, LAN Ting's eyes darkened. She did so many annoying things. Lan Xin must hate her, right?

LAN Ting didn't come out after she entered the room that day. She didn't even wear lunch or dinner. Li was worried.

"What's wrong with you, ting'er? Get up and eat. " Li Juan dissolves to endure the pain on the body, standing at the door of Lanting's room and frowning.

"If you want to eat it yourself, I will not."

"What's the matter, miss?" Li Juan dissolves to look at blue Ting's several servant girls cold voice to ask a way.

The two maids looked at each other, and then said the things outside in a low voice. Finally, because Li Juanrong's expression was so terrible, they didn't dare to say anything. They looked down in peace and stood there saying nothing.

These two days, Li Juanshui has been recuperating, and I didn't come out at all, so I don't know how people outside evaluate her, but she didn't think of her own daughter. She came here in such a strange vision these days. No wonder today she would go to her room to say such things.

If it was her, she would have done something more radical.

"Come out, ting'er."

"I said I would not eat." Lanting heard Li Juan Rong's voice and said impatiently.

Now she really doesn't want to hear Li juanxing's voice. It's like a magic spell, hovering in her mind.