After the four people left with something, Lanting frowned slightly. In fact, she was worried about it. Letting them do these things was undoubtedly a gamble. After winning the bet, she got four heartfelt servants. If she lost the bet, she might have nothing.

Take a deep breath. She remembers that her father once said that there is no doubt about using people, no doubt about using people. She would like to believe them once.

Thinking of the owner of the blue family, LAN Ting's eyes flashed clear gloom. She was about to leave. She didn't know if she could come back here again. She wanted to see them before she left.

Thinking that Lanting changed her clothes and went out alone, she has been like this these days, so the concierge of the Li family did not stop her and let her go directly.

When she arrived at the door of the blue house, Lanting dared not enter. She was afraid to see the disgusting eyes of the blue house owner.

When Lanxin comes back from the outside with her maid, she happens to see Lanting, who has been wandering at the door for a long time.

"Sister, why are you here? Why don't you come in? "

LAN Ting is frightened by Lan Xin's voice. Looking at Lan Xin's caring eyes, LAN Ting, who has only been white eyed for several days, has hot eyes.

"I'm sorry."

Lan Xin was stunned and then smiled, "let's go back and talk about something." Said holding Lanting's hand to go home.

The two servant girls behind her frowned disapprovingly, but when they saw their young lady's appearance, they could only look down helplessly.

The owner of the blue family saw Lanxin pull Lanting back, stupefied for a while, and then some trance.

After all, I have loved Lanting for more than ten years. Even if I have a little cat and dog, I have feelings, let alone a person?

"Dad Mr. LAN came here today to say goodbye to you. He also said sorry to his wife and miss LAN. At that time, I didn't understand. I took your kindness as malice and treated you like that. " Lanting originally wanted to call her father, but she thought that she was not the daughter of the owner of the blue family, so she changed her name.

Looking at Lanting like that, the owner of the blue family felt uncomfortable.

"Where is your daughter's house going?"

"I'm going to take some servant girls with me to find a small town with a quiet environment." Lanting pulled out a smile and said.

The head of the blue family frowned, and looked at Lanting for a long time before he said, "Li Juan is not good to you?"

"She doesn't care about me, I don't want to accept the advice of those people here, and I don't want to live in the Li family. They are all right. I'm like a bereaved dog now. I'd better find a small place to start my life again." Maybe the people here are the ones who really cared about her, so Lanting also told her plan to the blue family.

Wu Shanshan frowns and looks at Lanting with worry on her face. It's obvious that she doesn't remember revenge for what Lanting did before.

"It's dangerous for one of your daughters to go out."

"No matter how dangerous it is, it's better to be white eyed than here. I know you are really good to me, better than my mother. I'm blind and don't know how to cherish it. I'm here today to say goodbye to you. I'll leave here with my servant girl the day after tomorrow. Maybe I won't come back again." At last, Lanting almost whispered.

"But how do you feed yourself when you go out alone?" Lan Xin looks at LAN Ting worried.

"It's OK. I have a lot of valuable jewelry. I asked my mother to sell it. I have some private money, which is enough for my life." Lanting smiled and said.

Lanxin knew that she might not be able to persuade her, so she said to her and ran out, then came back with a box in her hand.

"Here you are."

Lanting opened it and found some silver tickets.


"We are sisters. I know I can't change your mind. That's all I can do for you."

The owner of the blue family looked at Lanting with a complex look, sighed a little, looked at Wu Shanshan with a glance, and saw the color of consent in the latter's eyes, which made him smile with satisfaction.