Those people all wish their family were unlucky. It's strange that they would refuse such a good thing. But if they really want to get on with the Xiao family, then their in laws are them, not their own. She believes that Mrs. Li won't do such a stupid thing.

The owner of Li's family at the edge glanced at his daughter, who he also loved very much, but the life and death of the family were more important to him, so after what Li juanxing said, he had no objection, and obviously acquiesced to her words.

Li juanxing talked to them for a while, then went back to his yard and asked people to find LAN ting. Anyway, this opportunity must be seized.

Thinking of that person, lijuanxiang's heart can't help but be very hot. As long as she helps her with this matter, she agrees to let herself go back to that person's side.

At the thought of being able to come back to the man and be his wife, Li Juanxi had an excited smile on her face.

As for what LAN Ting's final ending will be, it has nothing to do with her. Actually, LAN Ting is not the child of that person. The child of that person was lost by accident soon after she was pregnant. LAN Ting is the biological daughter of the blue family owner. At the beginning, they only knew that, but they didn't have blood test.

She didn't explain, which led to such a misunderstanding.

Think of the end of Lanting, and then think about it. When the owner of the blue family knows about this, he will have an expression. Li Juan Rong can't help but be very excited.

She has nurtured Lanting in this way these years. Isn't it just for revenge?

If Lanting is in front of her now and sees her ferocious expression, maybe she will faint directly.

And Lanting, who has left, can't manage so many. After arriving at that town, she settled down with the help of several servant girls, which is also her fast walk. Otherwise, she would be sent to Xiao's house by Li juanxiang to fill the house.

"Li juanjiang has come back from Xiao's family. It seems that she has made any agreement with Xiao Jiada. She is looking for LAN Ting who has been away for some time." Ning Mengyao burns the straight jump in her hand and says it with a smile.

"Probably to get married." Only in this way can Li Juan have the action of looking for Lanting.

"What do you mean is that she has discussed with the Xiao family and wants LAN ting to marry them?"

"Yes, it's not impossible."

Ning Mengyao reached out to touch her chin. Li Juanshi found out the clues at the beginning. They all meant that they were two people. But he thought that she was also smart, and even guessed their identity.

"If you want to find Lanting, you have to look at their abilities." LAN Ting's trace was erased by the owner of the blue family.

"No matter what, people will be found sooner or later unless they die, especially the power of Li's side is not weak, unless LAN Ting gets married soon." Joe Tianchang squinted.

Ning Mengyao squints and nods, thinking that Qiao Tianchang is right. Unless Lanting is married, even the hidden things will be exposed sooner or later. As long as Lanting doesn't marry, Li juanxing will make up her mind.

Now the relationship between the Xiao family and the Li family is just right for them. If Lanting is really married, it will be a real trouble or a big trouble for them.

"Since that's the case, let's go to remind the blue family leader kindly." Ning Mengyao shrugged and said.

"Now that we have decided, let's go."

When the owner of the blue family got the news, he frowned and resented Li Juan Rong even more. It was her child anyway. How could he do such a thing? If it was the former blue Ting, he really didn't want to take care of it. But now the blue Ting is a simple girl who wants to live a normal life. How could she make her become a sacrificial tool under the power.

"Thank you for coming to tell me this. I'll deal with it. I'll send a letter to ting'er immediately to let them be careful. After a few days, I'll use the excuse of going to inspect the industry to visit her and find her a family affair." Said the blue master in a deep voice.

"It's good that the owner of the blue family has ideas. We just came here to let him know."