"My name is Lanting. You don't want to call me a girl. Just call me by name." Lanting said with a smile.

After coming here, Lanting saw a lot and let go of her mind. Naturally, she laughed every day. In addition, she was only supported by Li Juan. In fact, people have good intentions. These days, Lanting let go of her life and started again.

"In that case, call me by my name."


The relationship between the two soon became familiar. Although Lanting was a bit domineering at the beginning, she was also smart. What she used to like most was playing the piano and reading books. Now she and Wuyou chatted very much.

Especially when Lanting knew that Wuyou was thirty years old, her mouth was wide and her face was unbelievable, which made her happy.

"Brother Wuyou, tell me what the outside world is like. Is it the same as here?" Lanting sat beside the bed, looking at the carefree eyes that had been able to sit up.

Before, she had never been outside the blue house, but now she just took it with her. When she learned that Wuyou had been to many places, she wanted to ask him if it was fun outside.

"It's different. Every place is different."

"Miss, this is the letter from the master. Please have a look." When the two chatted happily, mother-in-law Wu came in with a letter.

Lanting got up with doubts and went to receive the letter in her hand.

When Lanting finished reading the letter, her face was white and her body was shaking. She clenched her lips and her eyebrows were full of hatred.

"What happened to ting'er? Go out first, grandma Wu. I'm here. " Worry free to see Lanting like this, some worry, let Grandma Wu go out first.

These days, mother-in-law Wu and her daughter-in-law also take their relationship into consideration. Although they say that Wu Wu Wu is a little older, she is really good to the young lady. She likes this person very much. Naturally, they are not so unintelligible. Moreover, they say that the young lady will definitely get married in the future.

After Wu left, Wu watched LAN Ting standing there, sighing helplessly.

"Tinger, you come to me."

Lanting walked to the edge of no worries and sat down, but now she hasn't responded.

"Tinger told me what happened."

Blue Ting hands the letter in the past, this move is obviously very confident.

After reading it, Wu you asked doubtfully, "since your father and them are so kind to you, why do you still come here?"

What's more, what's said in the letter is too strange.

LAN Ting clenched her lips and told Wu you about her own mother. Wu you didn't expect that the lovely LAN Ting had such a mother, and she was also supported by her mother. But now she looks like this, I think it's time to start her own life again, otherwise the blue family won't treat her so well.

Not only did she find a place to live, but also the shop where she was raised.

"I've come here to hide, just to not want to accept those strange eyes, but she still doesn't let me go. She even wants me to get married. Why does brother Wuyou want my mother to do this to me? Even aunt Wu is better to me. " These days, the well-informed worry free is the God like existence in Lanting's heart, so I want to ask him why in the end.

Wu You sighs and looks at LAN Ting's low mood. She doesn't care about the difference between men and women. She puts her hand around her and lets her lean on her chest.

"There are thousands of people in the world. Not everyone can give their heart and lungs to you. Sometimes you are sincere to others. In exchange, they may stab you in the heart. In addition to such people, there are many people who only value the interests. In their eyes, the interests are greater than everything. As long as they can get enough interests, it doesn't matter what they do, and they are afraid to sell themselves It's the same with my daughter Worry free soothes Lanting and tells her personal experience.

LAN Ting lies in Wu You's arms and blinks at Wu you. Unexpectedly, Wu You's brother is such a good man that she would be treated like this.