"Whose old cow has eaten the tender grass?" Being told by ningmengyao that her face would be black as soon as she had no worries. Thinking about her age and thinking about Lanting's age, Wuyou suddenly felt very sad.

Originally LAN Ting had a dispute with Ning Mengyao. Now Ning Mengyao has spoken for her again. She is embarrassed, but she can't help laughing secretly when she sees Wu you.

"Are you still smiling? A girl with no conscience. " How can you not see LAN Ting's snickering look? I can't help grinning my teeth.

"I didn't." Lanting's eyes, bright and full of smiles, are so straight and carefree. Obviously, what she wants to talk about is not the same thing at all.

"Even your daughter-in-law thinks I'm right." Ning Mengyao raised her eyebrows and looked at Wu you, said smilingly,

Wu You choked for a while, and finally decided not to talk to Ning Mengyao. Every time she talked to this woman, she didn't win, she lost completely.

After laughing and making noise. Ning Mengyao's expression became serious.

"Lanting, you may stand on the opposite side of your mother, you..."

"She can do this to me, and I've figured it out. I'll be with brother Wuyou in the future." LAN Ting looked at Ning Mengyao and said earnestly.

This period of time let Lanting know what is happiness, and she is very happy now. Her once unruly and willful family forgives her. She is not her father's own daughter, but her father not only gives her a living, but also wants to prepare a dowry for her when she wants to get married.

Such feelings make her feel warm in her heart, and feel that this is the real happiness. What her mother gave her was only superficial things, even these things were not. She thought of her actions in these years. She became domineering and domineering. She felt that she had something to do with Li juanxiang, but she didn't know why the other side did it, so it was only for her.

Feel blue Ting's mood some low, worry free to look at her.

"Are you OK, ting'er?"

"Brother Wuyou, I'm ok. You can rest assured." Lanting smiled and shook her head, but the smile was almost like crying.

"Don't think so much. She cut off your relationship by herself. No wonder you do." When Ning Mengyao saw LAN Ting like this, he felt helpless. He must have some pimples in his heart.

Lanting nodded in silence. She can understand this truth, but it's very difficult to do it. After all, it's her mother who has been relying on her for many years.

"Don't think about these things any more. What you need to do now is to think about what your wedding dress is like, whether you want to embroider or buy it by yourself, and what you need to prepare for yourself when you use up. How can you think about so many things?" Ningmengyao didn't take a good look at the girl with deep thoughts. She was not very big, but she had a lot of heart. It took a lot of things to get married.

Being said by ningmengyao, Lanting is a little flustered. There are many things to prepare for marriage. Although she is not as popular as other ladies, she is also good.

There are also worry free clothes that need to be made by her. It seems that she really has no time to think about them.

"I see, but I hope I can make my own wedding dress." Lanting said with some embarrassment.

"Yes, so that no one will prepare your wedding dress for you." Ningmengyao nodded, then said, "tomorrow we will go back to Xiaoyao villa, and then prepare your wedding."

"Thank you, madam." LAN Ting looks at Ning Mengyao with some shyness. She is embarrassed in her eyes.

The next morning, the ningmengyao family and the Wuyou people rushed back quickly.

When they rushed back to the Xiaoyao villa, Li juanxing was getting angry with her slaves.

"It's all a bunch of rubbish. I can't even find anyone. What's the use of raising you?" Li Juan dissolves mercilessly to look at the person in front of, full of angry say.

"Miss, spare your life." Several people will be on the ground in a hurry for fear of what she will do. After all, their young lady is not the one to be offended.