In the face of Ning Mengyao and their Molin, he will not hide it. He really likes Lanxin.

Lanxin is one of the best women he has ever met. She is gentle and kind. It's hard for such a person not to be liked.

Ningmengyao Oh, it seems that the peach blossom of Molin is coming.

After Lanxin stays, Molin will find various excuses to stay with Lanxin every day, which makes the people of Xiaoyao villa a little funny. Wuyou has married someone else's sister. Now he comes to beat someone else's sister's attention. What's wrong with their family? It's a metamorphosis.

But even though they thought so, when they saw other girls, they just regarded Maureen as their elder brother. All of them began to watch the play. They were all waiting to see Maureen's eating.

When the blue family came back with a good mood, when they saw the appearance of the blue family, their faces suddenly turned black.

"What's the matter?"

"You've finally come back. Two days ago, Li juanxing and others came to find the owner and said that they wanted the owner to return the second miss to her. If they didn't find the owner, they were smashed by the blue family." Servants blame themselves for not protecting the blue family.

"It's OK. You should clean up the house first. We'll solve the rest." LAN Pengsheng didn't blame them. They did a good job.

"The master's Sister Li's family is very deceiving." Several ladies on the edge are all iron green. The Li family is too much. Even if they intrude into other people's houses without permission, they even smash their houses.

Blue Wang's eyes narrowed slightly to show them not to worry.

"What do you think, Sanshan?"

"It's just that we are going to move. It's just that, which gives us a proper excuse. But before that, we have to make a big deal. Only in this way can our move be justified." Wu Shanshan said earnestly.

"What my sister said is reasonable. If we leave like this, it's not good for us to be informed by some people. It's not good for us to be instigated to the city Lord, but it's not the same to make a big scene. The Li family bullied us so much that we left. They forced us to do so."

"You're right. This is how it is done. Let people pass it on. He heard from the housekeeper. Many people saw it that day. What if the Li family made a seal? There are many people, who knows who said it?

LAN Liangsheng called the housekeeper and told him to find someone to do it.

The housekeeper didn't like Li Juan Rong, so he was willing to do it.

So in less than two days, it spread all over the world, saying that the Li family is too serious. Even if the daughter is so sorry for the blue family, it's OK. Because Lanting left by herself, they came to the blue family before she left, and they came to find trouble. Even if they found trouble, they smashed the blue family. Even if they smashed it, they beat the servants of the blue family. This is too arrogant.

When the Li family knew it, their angry faces were green. They thought the blue family was a turtle with a shrunken head when they didn't move a few days ago. They didn't dare to do anything about it. Who knows that in just two days of ten days, they even let the message spread like this.

With a sneer, Li Juan really deserves to be born in blue.

Later, Li juanxing abducted her daughter from the blue family, even returned her daughter, and passed on the things that have not been found so far.

But what they received soon was a fierce slap on the face, because someone came out to testify to LAN's family. That was a few people who bullied LAN Ting before. They heard these rumors and told their brother about Lan Xin's emergence for LAN Ting, and they didn't know who heard them. This incident leaked out, and there were people on the side who were all people who saw that scene.

In a few days, the battle between the two families reached the stage of white heat, but LAN Pengsheng didn't think it was enough. He had to burn a fire, and the best Li family would go to the blue family to make a living. Only in this way would they leave here justified.

These days, when they were busy taking into account the rumors, they also gave some silver money to some people in the government and let them go.

As for the rest, they were all arranged in their own shop by LAN Pengsheng, who gave them the same sales contract. When everything was ready, they waited for Li Juan to start.