Seeing that Mrs. Feng has finally entered the state, Feng Xiao nods with satisfaction. That's right.

Feng Xiao stood on the edge and looked at the two people on the other side. His eyebrows were tightly wrinkled. From his hands, he could see that he was worried about Qiao mofeng.

"Master, young master..."

"Feng'er is OK. I will do it when he can't stand it." Joe mofeng is his precious son. Naturally, he can't really let madam Feng bully him.

Let him test his own bottom line, which is within his power.

Of course, if he is not in mortal danger, he will not start when the child does not open his mouth, or the temptation will lose all its significance.

The people on the side also want to say what to see Feng Xiao eyes tightly looking at Qiao Mo Feng, immediately closed his mouth, with the master and son in, the young master will naturally have nothing to do.

They have accepted this young master for years. In their eyes, their young master is the most powerful.

Mrs. Feng was shocked to see the young man in front of her. No matter who was poisoned, as soon as she touched the poison, she would surely be poisoned. The more she moved, the faster the poison would run. But the young man had nothing to do from just now on.

"If you're thinking about why I'm not poisoned, I can tell you, because I can make poison myself." For Qiao mofeng, this little poison of Madam Feng can't compare with Qingshuang at all. How can his poison making skill be possible under long-term rendering?

Mrs. Feng didn't expect this at all. Such a teenager is also a master of making poison. How can she not be surprised and how can she not be shocked?

"How could it be?"

"The world is so big that there are no surprises. If you want to poison me, you'd better save this Kung Fu." Qiao Mo Feng dodges the attack of Madam Feng and says in a cold voice.

Mrs. Feng never thought of the poison she was proud of, but she was despised by a young man. It was just a face beating.

"But if you like poison, I can give you one or two." As soon as Qiao mofeng's voice fell, Mrs. Feng saw that he had two red poisons with spiral patterns in his hands.

From that question and color, Mrs. Feng knew that the poison in his hand was extremely poisonous, and it was a poison she had never seen before. Such recognition made Mrs. Feng's face very ugly.

She is more than half a hundred years old, but she doesn't have a child.

Madam Feng's eyes were soon infected with murderous gas, and her hands were never left. As for the poison, it was never used again.

It's stupid to know that the other side is a master of making poisons and then continue to use poisons. Naturally, she won't do such a thing.

Qiao mofeng looks at Mrs. Feng giving up the poison, but fighting with him for strength and internal power. She has a successful smile on her face, which is what he wants.

The expression on Qiao mofeng's face is more and more excited, and his moves are more and more fierce. However, due to lack of experience, he can only draw with Mrs. Feng, which is just the beginning.

Feng Xiao has been staring at the two people in the field. The expression on his face is anxious and worried. I'm afraid that something will happen to Qiao mofeng. I can see his excited appearance, but I can only suppress the worry and worry in my heart. I look at the two people fighting peacefully.

After a long time of incense, Qiao mofeng's body began to get hurt. Naturally, Mrs. Feng didn't get any benefits. Her body injury was no better than Qiao mofeng's, which made fengxiao heartache and feel that her son was very fierce.

You two, you come and I go. Madam Feng has found that she is using her to investigate her martial arts since she was angry at the beginning and now she is calm.

This cognition made madam Feng's face, which had been calmed down, turn ugly again. When she was about to die, fengxiao suddenly put out her hand, blocking the concealed weapon that madam Feng shot out towards fengxiao.