Joe mofeng was not proud of his victory, but began to reflect. He went to the martial Hall of tongbaozhai, where he spent a period of time, and he would go out to practice these years, but he suddenly found that these things he would not seem to be so good. He needed more opportunities to improve his practical experience.


"Practical experience is not good. Although I have been to the martial arts hall of tongbaozhai before, most of the moves and skills I learned in it are about moves and skills. As for experience, there are not many in it." Qiao mofeng made such an evaluation for himself.

Feng Xiao reached out and rubbed his son's head. He was very happy to have such an excellent son. He was right, but his son was so excellent that he had no fun as a father.

"If you want to, my son, my father can send you to the place where my father trains the dead. It's the same as the martial arts hall of tongbaozhai, but it's totally different. It's full of killing, but I don't want you to go." Feng Xiao said helplessly.

Hearing of such a place, Joe mofeng's eyes brightened. Although it was too cruel, Joe mofeng knew that it was only good for him and would not be bad.

If he has been at the current level, there is something really going to happen to him, it will be a big deal.

"Dad, I'm going." Qiao Mo Feng's eyes brightened and he looked at fengxiao. In that way, fengxiao felt that he shouldn't tell his son about it.

"Dad..." See Feng Xiao don't talk just look at themselves like this, Joe Mo Feng's eyes stare at him.

Since Joe mofeng was 14, he never showed such an expression again.

For Qiao mofeng's expression, fengxiao is the most irresistible.

He reached out and pinched Qiao Mo Feng's cheek. Feng Xiao bit his teeth.

"You don't want to die like this, boy?"

"Who says I'm not going to die? I have father, mother, brother and sister. How good are they to live? But I want to be strong and protect you. " Qiaomofeng looked at Fengxia and knew that he was worried about himself. He was afraid that he would be bullied and have an accident when he went. But qiaomofeng didn't want to let things happen again a few years ago.

Under the hand of consciousness stroked his cheek, eyes slightly some trance.

Seeing Qiao mofeng's appearance, Feng Xiao's heart was hurt for no reason, and his eyes were complicated.

Although it has been so many years, fengxiao knows in his heart that he has no way to let it go, or even think of it often, so he has been trying his best to become stronger.

As long as all the useful things are learned, so that he became the way he is now.

With a sigh, I hold people tightly in my arms.

"I'll take you when the business here is over." Feng Xiao's voice is hoarse and oppressive. Qiao mofeng is not comfortable listening. He knows what it means for Feng Xiao to make such a decision.

The people on the side stared their eyes round. They didn't expect that the master agreed. How big is the young master? Why must he be sent to such a place?

They all came out of that place and knew how cruel that place was. When young master entered, he would be bullied by those people.

"Master, how can you follow the nonsense?"

"That's right, master. How can we increase our actual combat experience? Why do we have to use this method?"

People are not calm, began to constantly count two people, that son let Qiao mofeng some speechless, they are not the following offense? Even his master dared to scold him. He was really brave enough to do so.

Fengxiao's eyelids are jumping when they are scolded by these guys. What do they mean? Can I still watch my son die? It's a bunch of unreasonable guys.