Feng Xiao raised her eyebrows and looked at the man who was naturally talking to himself. The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked up, and his face was still with a mocking smile, which was obviously made fun of by him.

"What kind of identity do you use to say this to me? Or what qualifications do you have to tell me this? " Feng Xiao is sitting on the chair, and Qiao Mo Feng is standing beside her.

After the wound was treated, he had changed into clean clothes. Except for the slight paleness of his face, he didn't seem to have any problems at all.

"I'm your father and she's your mother. How can you ask someone to poison your mother? Haven't I cared about you these years, so you don't remember your surname?" The main board of Fengjia looks at fengxiao with a face and says in a cold voice.

Although this situation has been said many times for fengxiao, but once again to hear him say this, fengxiao still feel cool.

He was not such a sentimental person, but because of their false gentleness and feelings, he made himself look like this, which made fengxiao feel very funny and very humiliating.

"She can poison me. Why can't I poison her? Do you know what it's called? Give him back in his own way. " In Qiao Mo Feng's concerned eyes, Feng Xiao said with a smile, that's really not good for the Feng family.

"Aren't you still alive?" Feng's master said impatiently.

Feng Xiao's body was first stiff. Then he began to laugh in a low voice, which sounded crazy to Qiao mofeng.

"Ha ha, I'm still alive. It's very nice to say that. Since you come to me to do something like this, don't they still live well? I can bear the pain of seven insects and seven flowers. I think they can also bear it. " Feng Xiao looked at Feng's master and said with a smile, but the smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes.

After saying that, the Feng family leader regretted it. He was very clear that they could point out the things of Feng Xiao, and they could do something to him. It was all behavior. His heart also had thoughts on family relationship, but he might break all the little thoughts in Feng Xiao's heart.

"Xiao'er's father just said such things in a hurry. Don't mind." Feng's head smiled awkwardly.

"In a hurry? It doesn't matter. I'm not in a hurry. You can speak slowly. I'm listening. " Feng Xiao's expression is light, very casual.

As Feng Xiao said, the Feng's head really doesn't know how to speak.

"Xiao Er......"

"No, we don't have such a good relationship. Besides, don't call yourself disgusting?" Feng Xiao interrupts the words of the Feng family leader, sneering.

He can't get rid of disgust when he calls it like this. He can't stand it. He really doesn't know how the man called it.

There was such a moment of embarrassment on the face of the Feng family leader. He was really called Feng Xiao Xiao'er in front of people, but only he knew what he looked like when he arrived. So after being said by Feng Xiao, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Xiao'er, anyway, we are all family. Give me the antidote." The Feng family leader looked at Feng Xiao and said.

"A family? I never know if I am with you as a family. I feel very sad to play with me for such a long time. If Feng Yingxing has a high sounding voice, don't say that since he has already torn his face, don't go on pretending to play what father and son are in love with me. I don't like you. " After hearing fengyingxing's words, fengxiao doesn't plan to continue acting with this man. It's no longer interesting.

Feng Yingxing hears Feng Xiao's words, and her face immediately changes. He looks at Feng Xiao with a vicious face, which is totally different from the flower like smile just now.

"You'd better talk about what Feng Xiao has to say." Feng Yingxing looks at Feng Xiao's warning and says.

Feng Xiao sneered, "pack up and leave here."