"Do you teach all this?" LAN Pengsheng looks at the two ladies with white faces calmly. Seeing them like this, he doesn't even need to ask too much, so he can understand what's going on.

"Don't you want the children to spend more time with them?" Two Madame dry smile to open an mouth to explain, just say finally, his voice is all a lot smaller.

LAN Pengsheng can't be angry with the second lady.

"I mean to let them play with those children more, but I'm to let them learn together, but you can see what they have done? When they were practicing martial arts, they were playing. When they were studying with their husband, they were still playing. Now they want to abduct two four or five-year-old children. If something goes wrong, are you responsible? "

"We..." The second lady's face was a little embarrassed. She didn't dare to say more. She knew that he couldn't afford it.

"What are you? These children are spoiled by you. If you let them follow you, you will teach some guys with shallow eyes. " Blue fan angrily threw all the teacups on the ground.

Several children have never seen Bluewood's big temper. They dare not say anything and kneel down on the ground.

Wu Shanshan looks at them and sighs. Her eyes are full of disappointment.

Her hard-working children turned out to be like this in such a few short months.

"Sir, it seems that we are no longer fit to stay here." Wu Shanshan said after a little deliberation.

They live here because they like it and think it's a good place to live.

But now what's going on? It's better to leave now than to leave when they have no feelings with Ning Mengyao. At least they may retain enough feelings. As long as the feelings of LAN ting and Wu you are the same, they still belong to the cooperative relationship.

LAN Pengsheng thought about it, nodded and agreed. He thought so too. He thought it would be better for them to leave here.

"I'll go out and buy a house, and then we'll all move out." LAN Pengsheng looks at several people and says in a cold voice.

"Let's not leave here. This is our home. Why should we leave?" Before waiting for the second lady to say anything, several children have already opened their mouths, but they are still boasting. This is their family's words.

"You taught it?" LAN Zhuosheng pointed to several children with hoarse and deep voices, which showed that he was holding back.

"No, sir, this is not what we teach." Even if it can't be said at this time, it's not looking for scolding.

"It's better that way. It's not up to you to refute what I have decided." Blue Peng sang coldly and said.

Wu looked at the children and then at the ladies, frowning in disappointment.

"You said that you should raise some children by yourself. I also agreed. Let the children follow you and let you teach. But how long is it? Three months? What are the children like? " Wu said angrily.

"Elder sister, we, here..." The second ladies were not able to hang on their faces and felt embarrassed, even in the face of Wu Shanshan.

"Well, you pack up your things. I'll find a house near here as fast as I can, and then we'll move out." LAN Bangsheng slapped the table heavily. After they didn't speak, he said.

"Master, isn't it necessary? If you don't think it's good, we won't let the children do it, OK? " Said the second lady dryly.

This place is so good. How nice to stay here. Why do you want to leave.

"Do you still think I did that wrong? If it wasn't for your shallow eyelids, would I have made such a decision? " At this time, I don't know how to repent, and I want to show people cheap. It's just a matter of character.

The second ladies had nothing to say, but they understood that they would say goodbye to this luxurious place.