Jomo Shang looked at his baby brother and sister who were beaten by several outsiders. His face was very ugly.

Just now, the two of them have finished today's training, and they want to go back to bath and change their clothes first, so that they can prepare for the later study. But he has gone back. Before he saw anyone coming back, he went out to find them. Unexpectedly, he saw such a scene that made him angry.

Tangtang looks at the blue and purple marks on Doudou's face, and blames herself very much.

"Doudou I'm sorry. "

"You're my sister. It's right to protect you." Doudou didn't care about it at all, even though his face hurt a little.

Qiao moshang walked over and protected the two children behind him. When the blue family was about to run, Qiao moshang moved. Just in a flash, he had subdued all the people who had to choose things.

Jomo Shang had time to see if the two children were hurt. He just saw the blood on the sugar face and the wounded blood, the blue and purple on Doudou's face, and the blood on his hand. His face was ugly and even worse.

"Sugar doesn't hurt."

"Sugar and sugar don't hurt. You must listen to sugar and sugar and practice martial arts well."

Jomo Shang took a deep breath, took out the ointment he had with him and gave them a simple treatment of the wound. Then he looked at the green bamboo coming up with him and said in a cold voice, "go and call them uncle and aunt, and of course uncle Wuyou."

"It's the second young master." Green bamboo glared at the children fiercely, turned around and left them for a look, then they were scared.

Muchen and meiruolin heard that candy and Doudou were beaten by the children of the blue family, and they were bleeding. They were not calm immediately. They came to the place where the accident happened together, and the couple of Wuyou came first. Wuyou had already asked people to call the people of the blue family.

Wu Shanshan and his servants said that they beat sugar and beans in blue city. They were so stiff that they ran out.

In the past, I saw a big bruise on Tangtang's face. Doudou's face was blue and purple. They also wrapped gauze around their hands. They cluttered in their hearts. Looking at the blue city people who were afraid to move in the opposite direction, Wu Shanshan hated them.

Jomo Shang looked at the people coming, all of them were bloodthirsty and murderous.

Being looked at with such eyes, the two ladies, who didn't care at first, turned very stiff.

"Is this your blue child? Five or six people, the youngest is eight years old, so many people bully two five-year-old children together, your blue family's face is really big. " Jomo Shang looked at them and didn't give them a chance to talk at all. He said angrily. At a young age, his momentum had been shown.

"It's just children playing around. They accidentally get hurt. What a fuss." The second lady frowned and complained carelessly, as if it was their fault. They were too fussy and had nothing to do with others.

"What's the matter with Doudou?" Qiao Mo Shang ignored the second lady, but looked at Doudou and said.

"Tangtang and I came back from the training ground and planned to go back to take a bath and change clothes, but they suddenly ran out from the side and said something inexplicable, which pushed me and Tangtang down. Later, they were asked to fight Tangtang and me together. Blue city instructed them to fight Tangtang together." If he didn't react quickly and protect the sugar, the damage on the sugar would be more.

After hearing this, Wu Shanshan's face was livid, and there was something strange on the second lady's face.

"It's so-called fun. It's good. It's so good." Jomo Shang said with a ferocious expression.

Yu Sheng goes to Qiao Mo Shang's side and has a cold face. Sugar is the treasure they all love. But these people are so good that they dare to fight sugar.

"What are you going to do?"

"Isn't it fun? Let's play with them, too. " Qiao moshang said with a sneer that if he dared to bully his younger brother and sister, he would have to pay the same price, even more seriously. These people who saved thought that sugar and beans were good to bully because they were not supported by others.