The two of them don't go down to scold the two children, but Shanger is not the same. Shanger doesn't hurt them without principles. The reason why nothing happened before, but it is on the premise of their husband and wife.

In their absence, they left the two children in his care. If the two children didn't obey the rules, Shanger would be worried. If something happened at this time, you don't have to guess what happened later.

Maureen stares at Qiao Tianchang. Does this man even calculate for Shanger?

"You've already figured it out?"

"We've known that the children of the blue family took things from sugar and beans for a long time. At first, we didn't expect that they would be so unhappy. We just wanted to use this thing to let sugar and beans know something." Ning Mengyao said lightly.

So, the children of the blue family will come to this step today, which is actually the result of the indulgence of the couple.

They can clearly kill the danger in the cradle, but they are not born, which makes Maureen a little aware that the way they educate their children is really different.

"I really don't know what to say about you. Not only have you calculated your own son, but also other people's children." Maureen looked at them and shook his head.

This couple is too scary. It's a bad decision to be enemies with them.

"It's not a calculation. It's just to use some things to let sugar and beans know some truth. They are different from little monkeys. They can't be forced. They can only learn by themselves." Ning Mengyao said with a sigh.

This is actually their fault. It's illegal to give the two children to their pets. However, all of these are going according to their wishes. They are relieved.

"You are right."

"When we go back, maybe the two kids will surprise us." Ningmengyao hook lips a smile, the mood is very good said.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, and seemed to agree with Ning Mengyao.

"I'm not going to tell you that. It's just the rhythm of abusing single dogs." Maureen shook his head and said gloomily.

"You can choose to marry and have a baby, so you don't have to envy us." Ning Mengyao said casually.

"Forget it. I won't get married if I can't find someone I like." What's the point of marrying someone who has no feelings?

"Aren't you very fond of Lanxin? I think people are good. " Ningmengyao asked curiously.

"Lanxin people are good, but I don't like them very much." Maureen frowned and shook his head.

"Let you marry Lanxin, not all the people of the blue family. What do you want to do so much?" Ning Mengyao gave Mo Lin a bad look. He just had too much food to support himself. Unexpectedly, he thought of it.

"Maybe I think more about it, but I feel that the blue family is too complicated, especially from the letter of Muchen." Maureen is not to the extent that Lanxin has to do with her, so he doesn't want to face those people in her family because of Lanxin.

"Well, these things can only be considered by yourself, and we can't help you." Ningmengyao wants to persuade, but when she sees the frown on mollin's face, she finally shakes her head and doesn't intend to continue.

Different from what Maureen said, the women in the blue family, except for Wu Shanshan, are not fuel-efficient lamps. It's not easy to hide them for such a long time.

"Well, I know."

Because of this topic, the three people no longer speak, and Yufeng is looking at them with a sinister face and squinting eyes.

"Although Shanger has taught people a lesson, the second lady has to give another lesson." Although they have forgotten about Xiaoyao villa, the so-called second lady is really in debt.