Qiao Tianchang came to Maureen's side and clapped him on the shoulder, silently comforting him.

"Are you ok?"

Maureen pulled the corners of his lips, with a stiff smile on his face: "I'm ok, but suddenly I feel that the things I care about before don't seem to matter."

Ningmengyao's eyelids leaped and he glared at Maureen.

"Hello, Molly's body must be burned as soon as possible, or something will go wrong." Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

The most domineering place for poisonous people is that after their death, the poison can still be circulated. If it takes a long time, the whole Mo family may become poisonous people. Then it will be very troublesome. It will be difficult to deal with one poisonous person, and several will really die.

Maureen nodded, went to find the liquor and poured it on Molly. Then he took out the torch to light it and threw it on Molly.

At the moment of the fire, Maureen seemed to hear a shrill scream, which made Maureen's body slightly stiff.

"That voice?"

"Well, you heard the wrong name."

Seeing that they were so calm, Maureen was making a fuss here. He stopped asking questions immediately. He watched Maureen devoured by the fire. Hearing the pungent smell in the air, Maureen could not help frowning. The smell was really bad enough. He was really evil.

When Molly's body was almost burned, Molly looked at the time, and the front should be ready, so she turned to the people on the side and said, "it's almost there, let's go."

Molly won't let Molly's family go because he's dead. Some of them can, but others can't. especially the couple of Molly's family, he wants to kill them directly.

Ning Mengyao looks at Mo Lin's changed appearance and can't help but feel speechless.

"What are you doing? What's the rush? " This person has come, but also afraid that they can not run.

"You're right. After we went in, Mengyao told us to suppress the success of Mo's family, especially my good mother's stuff." He is not a saint, and his heart and eyes are a little bigger. In other words, he is actually very vengeful.

"No problem."

At the same time, the heavy one who was sent to send the congratulatory gift has come back. He followed him expressionless, silent.

When several people arrived in the front hall, they heard the scream of panic, which was Mrs. Mo's voice.

Hearing this voice, Maureen was surprised. What did this man do? He scared people like this.

"Haha, actually I didn't do anything. I made a doll whose face was completely destroyed, whose limbs were completely broken, whose body was injured, and whose facial features are very similar to yours." That bloody look, let alone the ghost in the heart of the people, even if there is no ghost in the heart will be intimidated, not to mention the role of Madame Mo?

The old man was not very happy today, because his eldest grandson didn't come back. He watched those grandsons who didn't like to shake in front of him and listened to his son's daughter-in-law's perfunctory appearance. The old man's expression has not been very good-looking. Now he saw Mrs. Mo's expression, which was not very good-looking, it was even worse.

"What do you mean?" The old man slapped the table heavily and said angrily.

Mrs. Mo was so frightened by the old man that the brocade box in her hand fell on the ground, the doll in the box fell out, and there was blood flowing out of the box.

Looking at the doll with ruined face, broken limbs and blood all over his body, everyone felt that his heart was cold, especially his dark eyes stained with blood.

Just stare at them directly. The brave people run to one side and retch. They faint. Who gave this gift? It's too scary.

Although the old man was startled, he was not in the same tense as them. Looking at the doll, he felt very familiar. At last, he found that the doll was so similar to his grandson.

This is his birthday party. He believes that ordinary people will not make such a prank. Then The only possibility is that something happened to his grandson.