Although they really want to laugh, they don't dare to laugh out loud, for fear that their owner will directly fight them.

Who is fengxiao? Can she still not know what her subordinates are thinking?

Coldly saw smiling face red neck thick several people one eye, Feng Xiao smiled: "do you want to laugh very much?"

"No, sir, we didn't laugh." One of them said earnestly, but he didn't believe what he said.

"No? Are you blind? " No matter how they look, they all seem to be laughing. They still lie here and say they don't laugh. Is it easy for them to cheat?

"What happened to their smile? That's the truth. Don't you make people laugh? " Qiaomofeng gave fengxiao an eye knife. That way, he put it clearly, that is to say, if you dare to open your mouth, I will do it directly.

Feng Xiao looks at his son speechless. He is thinking about his father in the world. I'm afraid he's the most unlucky, isn't he? Be despised by own son even if, still don't own subordinate give joke, not only joke, oneself still can't how they are, son returns them to prop up.

"Does your son treat his father like this? I wonder if you're my son. " Feng Xiao wants to cry without tears.

"I'm also thinking about it. How has my father changed so much these years?" Qiao Mo Feng sighed heavily, completely ignoring the eyes of fengxiao on the edge.

Feng Xiao is not only twitching at the corner of his mouth, but also breaking his heart. Is this his son?

They have been together with Ning Mengyao for a long time. He naturally knows what his son's second one means. It's just bullying.

"Son, I'm sure you're not a relative." Feng Xiao suddenly looked at Qiao Mo Feng and said seriously.

"I think so, too." Joe Mo Feng is also a serious nod.

Both father and son look like that, which makes people on the edge can't help but draw corners of their mouths. What are they doing?

In the end, fengxiao couldn't stand it. Instead, he laughed. Then Qiao mofeng also laughed. They looked like crazy people.

The people on the side looked at them like that. You look at me, I look at you. At last, they didn't understand what their father and son were laughing at.

"Master Can we ask you and the young master what happened? " Wang Liang looked at Feng Xiao with great uncertainty, and asked with some apprehension.

He was really worried that the master would not only not tell him, but also slap him directly, and then he would lose his face and lose his hair.

Feng Xiao raises his eyebrow and looks at Liang Liang. He looks at him with a smile. The corner of his mouth raises an evil smile: "how do you want to know?"

Liang Liang thought about it, then stepped back a few steps and shook his head constantly. He still didn't do this kind of digging and burying.

"Master, my subordinates don't want to know." Liang Liang looks at fengxiao seriously, which makes fengxiao laugh. Is he so terrible? As for that fear?

Feng Xiao Tut, not in the mouth, but Qiao Mo Feng looked at the front, suddenly hit Feng Xiao hard.

"Dad, isn't that your brother?"

Feng Xiao heard the voice and looked up. Isn't that his so-called half brother? But this can only deceive other people, in front of him, they want to use this kind of clumsy excuse to deceive him? Can't you really think of him as an idiot?

His brother is named Fengyan, not very similar to him, but his appearance is a bit like madam Feng and a bit like the head of the Feng family. As long as you see three people, no one will say that they are not one family.

Feng Yan seemed to see Feng Xiao, and he didn't dodge. Instead, he came to Feng Xiao and said with a smile, "elder brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been?"

"What? Where can I go without reporting to you? " Feng Xiao reaches out and hooks Qiao Mo Feng's shoulder. He looks at Feng Yan with a smile. The corner of his mouth is a sarcastic smile.

Feng Yan is treated like this by Feng Xiao, but he is not angry. The smile on his face is still so bright.

"What do you mean, brother? It's just that I haven't seen big brother for a long time. I miss him a little bit. "