"Back to you? Why don't you snort? It's all in the Xiaoyao villa. What's your heart to let us return it? "

Feng Xiao is made speechless by the metaphor of Ning Mengyao. Do you think he is a handsome man anyway? How is it possible for him to do such image damaging things as snorting?

"I knew you would say that."

"By the way, we may go to the blue house when xiaoyao'er goes back." Listening to the wind, he squinted.

"My brother-in-law is right."

"What happened to mother?" Qiao mofeng saw ningmengyao's unidentified appearance, and he understood that something was wrong, otherwise, how could ningmengyao have such an expression.

Ningmengyao calmly told Qiao mofeng what the blue family's children had done. Qiao mofeng's face was very ugly after listening, especially when he heard that sugar and beans were injured by them. That expression was even worse.

"Mom, let's go and have a look." Jomo Feng said coldly.

"Feng'er is right. Those people just need to give a lesson to know who can provoke and who can't." Feng Xiao did not look angry, but in fact his face was very ugly.

Just to mention it casually, everyone thinks that they should go to the blue family. However, the blue family still doesn't know what kind of evil spirit the blue family will usher in.

After having an idea, Ning Mengyao did not delay on the way, but went back quickly.

Lanxin looks at her brother and sister in front of her, with helplessness on her face.

"What do you want to do?"

"We don't care who you think you are."

Look at a few children you say, my words, blue Xin's face is a little ugly.

After moving out of the Xiaoyao villa, her brother and sister have changed. They don't look good at anything. In that way, Lanxin can't see it.

"You can do whatever you want." Lan Xin is kind-hearted, but he really doesn't know what kind of expression to treat them in the face of such younger brothers and sisters.

A few children listen to, the expression that takes on triumphant on the face, immediately immediately after a crowd of disperse, ran straight away.


"Well, xiner, I will tell your father later that you are not allowed to continue to manage these children's affairs." In Wu's eyes, these are not necessary at all.

Although they don't remember what happened in Xiaoyao mountain villa, they have completely changed. Although they don't remember those things, they are very unreasonable. That makes Wu Shanshan very angry. Not only she, but even LAN Pengsheng is impatient with them.

"I know my mother. By the way, carefree let me know that ting'er is pregnant. Let's go to see her." This family only talks about three of them. It has nothing to do with other people.

Wu's face was full of surprises: "really? Tinger is pregnant? Then I have to prepare some good things for her. Although there are many others, they are not ours. "


When Ning Mengyao and his family arrived at the gate of the blue family, the three members of the blue family were ready to go out. They were both surprised and happy to see their dusty return.

"Where are you going?" Ningmengyao looks at their big bag and small bag. She looks like she wants to go out and asks unexpectedly.

"Ting'er is pregnant. Let's go and have a look." Blue life said happily.

Ningmengyao's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and her face was not good-looking.

"It's our family's fault about Mengyao, but don't worry. We didn't take them, just three of us." LAN Pengsheng saw the ugly face of Ning Mengyao. What else could he not understand? Explain immediately.

When Ning Mengyao heard this, he felt more comfortable: "since this is the case, let's go together."

It's all at the door, and there's no need to separate.

A group of people came to the Xiaoyao villa. Just after entering the gate, two small figures ran over to keep Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao's thighs tightly. They just didn't want to let go.