Qiao moshang looked at the past along the direction pointed by two younger brothers and sisters, and found that not only Qiao Tianchang and them were there, but also Qiao Moshan.

"Parents, Fengxiao godfather, big brother."

Qiao Tianchang nodded and walked in. After all the people who taught him left, he called them to his side.

"Shangerda taught you a set of sword techniques today, and then from tomorrow, you practice half an hour's sword techniques every day. Sugar and Doudou begin to practice their internal power." Qiao Tianchang looked at the three children and said.

"I know dad."

Looking at the excited look of the three people, Ning Mengyao seems to think of Qiao mofeng at that time. It's true that when Qiao Tianchang wants to teach him something new, so does he. He looks at Qiao Tianchang with such an excited expression.

"What are Yao Yao thinking?"

"Well? Nothing. I just thought of feng'er when he was a kid. "

Feng Xiao immediately became interested. Looking at Ning Mengyao, he asked with great interest, "what was feng'er like then?"

"He? Like a little adult, like a little monkey, every time Tianchang teaches him new moves, he will look at Tianchang with such an excited expression. " Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

"Is it?"

"Well, when we met feng'er, we had him practice martial arts with Nan Yu. Later, when we arrived at Baishan village, Tian Chang taught him, and then they were brother-in-law." Thinking of the origin of qiaomofeng's martial arts, Ning Mengyao had a funny smile on her face.

Qiao mofeng was totally stunned when ningmengyao said it. He didn't expect that ningmengyao could still remember what happened at that time. Why does it feel so good in his heart? My heart is warm.

Fengxiao didn't participate in these things when Qiao mofeng was a child, so when Ning Mengyao said it, he listened very carefully and occasionally laughed happily. This is his son, so excellent.

"Don't learn swordsmanship again?"


Qiao Tianchang walked to the scene with Jun luojian and began to teach Qiao moshang. Even Qiao Moshan was watching carefully on the side, even though he could.

Joe moshang looked very seriously. When Joe Tianchang stopped, he remembered some of them.

Qiaomoshang took the wooden sword on one side and began to dance according to the memorized moves, but in the middle of the time, qiaomoshang didn't remember.

"I don't remember the one behind dad."

"I can remember so much after reading it. It's very good. You're optimistic." Qiao Tianchang danced for Qiao moshang twice before he stopped.

After waiting for about time, Qiao Tianchang calls Qiao moshang, who is still practicing sword. It is necessary to practice sword step by step, but not overnight.

When they got home, the three brothers and sisters went to wash, while Qiao Tianchang and them listened to meiruolin talk about what happened in this period of time.

"It's not bad that Lanting is pregnant. Wu you is not too young. You can save money by looking at sugar and sugar. That's really salivating." Ning Mengyao murmured with dissatisfaction.

A few people look at each other, see Ning Mengyao that way, can't help laughing, isn't that it?

When Wuyou didn't get married, as long as he was in the villa, he often occupied sugar and beans, especially sugar. Who let so many children in the villa be such a little girl? It's not likable. How can he be likable?

Now that he has children soon, he doesn't have to come to rob them every time

"I'm not going to do anything this time, but they'd better not offend us, or I'll be merciless." Ning Mengyao looked at the front coldly and said.

"Those women and children in the blue family are very dissatisfied with Wu Shanshan now." Meiruolin's eyes were full of obvious mockery. Where could such a person be better?

"Well? What's going on? "

"I don't know if it's because of the drug's sequelae. Although they forget about the Xiaoyao villa, their character is the same as when they were here, and has not changed at all.