"Then what can you tell them not to look at me like this? I think it's strange. " Lan Xin saw that they didn't even blink when they looked at themselves. Not only that, but also their expressions were strange, she said quickly.

Ningmengyao takes a deep breath. What is she talking about here with someone who has little EQ? Isn't this a problem for yourself?

"Brother in law, don't doubt it. Lanxin is one of those people with high IQ and zero Eq." Ningmengyao looks at Lanxin's depressed mouth and says.

At such a close distance, Ning Mengyao finally saw the palm print on Lanxin's face, which was probably made by Wu Shanshan.

Before, she had thought of letting Lanxin forget everything just like muxue once did, but now she realizes her mistake, and the reason is understandable. Ningmengyao is willing to give her a chance in the face of worry free couples and lanpengsheng couples.

At a glance, Yufeng is dissatisfied but nods.

This is what they are like. Although they don't agree with ningmengyao's decision sometimes, they still respect ningmengyao's choice. As long as she thinks about it, they are willing to help her.

Now, I just let Lan Xin go, and there's nothing wrong.

Ningmengyao looks at Yufeng apologetically. She knows that she is capricious again, but Looking at Lanxin, she still wants to give her a chance.

"Mengyao, thank you very much." Lanxin didn't expect to speak to ningmengyao for her at this time.

She understood that when she played green bamboo, Ning Mengyao must have been very angry.

"Nothing." Although she said that she would forgive Lanxin, she felt extremely frustrated at the thought of what she had done.

But what Ning Mengyao didn't know was that this kind of heart plug was just beginning. When she learned everything from her worry free mouth, she would like to take apart Lanxin's head and see what was in it.

Lan Xin looks at the green bamboo and Maureen who have not spoken all the time. Her face is a little strange. Then she goes over and says apologetically, "I'm sorry, I've brought you trouble."

Molin looks at Lanxin suspiciously. Does this person really think it through? Really won't come to their trouble again?

Thinking of what Lan Xin did, Maureen still didn't believe that she would really come back.

Looking at mollin's disbelieving eyes, Lanxin's heart is uncomfortable. Is she so unbelievable?

"I'm serious. I really know I'm wrong. I hope you can forgive me." Lan Xin looked at Maureen and said earnestly.

"I hope so." Maureen looked at Lanxin for a long time and then said that.

Such words let blue Xin's body slightly stiff, but she didn't say anything, just looked at the green bamboo: "I'm sorry."

Qingzhu shakes her head. Although there is still some pain on her face, she has been much better after applying the medicine of Qingshuang. Besides, she also hit Lanxin before.

As she said, they are even and nobody owes them.

But if Lanxin really wants to find trouble again, she will be very happy.

Ningmengyao's attitude is nothing to Lanxin. It's just the appearance of Qingzhu and Molin that Lanxin can't help thinking, isn't she so excessive these days? Otherwise, why don't they all treat themselves like this? I don't even want to believe that she really knows what's wrong. She really comes to apologize.

"You can rest assured that I will not trouble you again."

"That's good." Qingzhu nods, but she doesn't think about anything, but the outspoken words make Lanxin feel embarrassed, and she can't laugh or cry. Is it really good that she speaks so outspoken?

Lan Xin sees that they are willing to believe in themselves, and finally a happy smile appears on her face. However, the red and swollen cheek makes people feel strange.

Looking at Lanxin's departure, Yufeng comes to Ning Mengyao's side, looks at the front strangely and asks, "Xiaoyao, are you sure she really knows wrong?"